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NIHILISTIC Distro: Promo exceptionelle! CDs 6,5 euros postpd

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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Lundi 18 Fév 2008, 09:31    Sujet du message: NIHILISTIC Distro: Promo exceptionelle! CDs 6,5 euros postpd Répondre en citant


NIHILISTIC Distro te proposes une promotion exceptionnelle

-6,5 euros port compris pour les CDs de la liste qui suit.

-3,5 euros port compris pour les MCDs de la liste qui suit.

-5 euros port compris pour 2 K7s de toutes la liste, sauf si prix special indiqué (Offre cumulable)

Il y aura toujours des demos bonus!

Attention cette offre ne sera valable que quelque jours!

A bientôt

CDs à 6,5 euros port compis:
IIIRD SOVEREIGN (India) Destined to suffer CD. Death metal/ Brutal death. A rising hope for India.
ANGKOR (Argentina) Infectus I.N.R.I CD. Black metal the melodic way (Early Cradle of F…)
APHELION(Ger)/ DISMAL(Ger) Split CD. Old styled Death metal. Members of DEPRESSION (Ger)
ASTRA POLARIS (Rus)/ MOLOCH (Ukr) Split CD. Dark ambiant… Same Moloch who does uber noise, but this is keyboard time.
ATOMIZER (Australia) Songs of slaughter – Songs of sacrifice CD. Thrash black the energetic way!
BARBARITY (Rus) Hell is here CD. Death metal with brutal approach
BEAST PETRIFY (Singapore) Webbed in living hell CD. Death thrash w/ techno thrash influences
BLOODBOIL (Hol) Festering fornication CD. Brutal death
CAKEWET (Fra)/ YATTAI (Fra) Split CD. Grind. Dvd box
CAUSTIC (Spa) The horror cult CD’06. Brutal death… Member of FERMENTO, DETESTOR…
CEMETERY (Indonesia) Detriment image CD. Brutal death
CEPHALOTRIPSY (Usa) Uterovaginal insertion of extirpated anomalies CD. Brutal death. Members of CONDEMNED, VIRAL LOAD.
CRUEL EXPERIENCE (Ger) Suffocated in emotions CD. Death metal/ Blasting death
CRYPTICUS (Usa) Dedicated to the impure CD. Death metal the old way
DEVIANT (Swe) Larvaeon CD. Death metal/ Brutal death
DIABOLICAL DOMINATION (Jap) South was sorrow… CD’00. Death/ Black
DISINTER (Peru) Hell gate CD. Death metal
DROWNED IN BLOOD (Mex) The warfare continues CD. Death metal/ Brutal death
EMPHERIS (Pol) A tribute to black desires CD. Black metal. Member of Hellish, Valpurgia, Morysian.
ESB (Fra)/ THE FANTASTIKOL HOLE (Fra) Split CD Grind chaotique
EVIL INCARNATE (Usa) Waiting for his return CD. Death metal. Covers of SLAYER and DESTRUCTION.
EXACTLY VIOLENT STYLE (Jap) The devastators from the black continent CD. Grind Hc chaotique
EXQUISITE PUS (Spa)/ CARRIONED (spa)/ CONFINED (Spa) split CD. Brutal death
FLAGELADOR (Bra) A noite do ceifador CD. Thrash speed old school
FLESHGRINDER (Bra) Coroner’s inquest suit CD. Grind gore
FROM BEYOND (Cze) Sounds of the grave CD. Doomy Death metal
GERBOPHILIA (Swi) Militeratogene CD. Grind. Member of CAKEWET
GLAUKOM SYNOD (Fra) Uczulony CD. Indus metal/ Electro noise.
GLEARGH (Ita)/ RISING TERROR (Fra)/ LARDON (Fra) Split CD. Grindcore
GLUT! (Spa) Origen da tragedia CD. Blasting Brutal death. Member of DEMENTED.
GOREGAST (Ger) Viva el animal CD. Death grind
GUTTURAL ENGORGEMENT (Usa) The slow decay of infected flesh CD. Brutal death. Members of HEMATURIA, SIKFUK
HELL-BORN (Pol) Legacy of the nephilim CD. Death metal. Ex members of DAMNATION, BEHEMOTH…
HELLISH (Pol) Bestial wrath CD. Black metal
HOLY SHIT B.S.E (Col) Fetish coprological trauma CD. Death grind with ex PURULENT & AMPUTATED GENITALS…
INGROWING (Slo) Cloned & enforced CD Grind.
KAIZEN (Fra) Clear the path CD. Deathcore/ Power
KARNARIUM (Swe) Tänk pa döden CD. Death metal
KRUAGRE (Bel) 750cc export fear CD. Grind
LOSNA (Bra) Wild hallucinations CD. Death thrash
MALIGNANT TUMOUR (Cze)/ SQUASH BOWELS (Pol) Split CD. Gore grind the disjoncted way !
MASSIVE CHARGE (Fra) Silence CD. Grindcore
MENTAL APRAXIA (Col) Clinical hypocritical existence CD. Brutal death
MODER (Ger) Ewiger Tod CD. Death metal
MORTIFILIA (Cze) Redemption CD. Death mélodique
MOULDED FLESH (Pol) In the hands of evil CD. Death metal/ Brutal death
NAMELESS (Por) The overcome of the portuguese bastards CD’96. Thrash metal
NAUSEOUS SURGERY (Bra) Immortal warriors CD. Death metal
NERVE (Thailand) Blackened chpt.1 CD. Metal indus the old way (Ministry, Nin…)
NOISECORE FREAK (Can) Corner itch theory CD. Grind/ Noisecore
NOMAD (Pol) The independence of observation choice CD. Death metal. Members of Devilyn, Soul devourer, Behemoth…
NOMENMORTIS (Cze) How I learn to bleed… For the things I wish to forget CD’99. Blasting death
NOTHINGNESS (Mex) Among the nebula CD. Death metal
NOT! (Cze)/ FSFI (Cze) Split CD. Grind with HC punk touches
NUNSLAUGHTER (Usa) Fuck the god in heaven. CD découpé (4 titres). Death thrash
OPHIOLATRY (Bra)/ INFERNAL DOMINION(Usa) Split CD. Blasting Brutal death
PANDEMIA (Cze) Riven CD. Death metal
PATHOLOGY (Usa) Surgically hacked CD. Brutal death. Members of Parasitic, Cattle Decapitation, Sabbatic feast, Disgorge…
PESSIMIST (Usa) Blood for the gods CD. Death metal. Members of FLESHTIZED, DIABOLIC, UNHOLY GHOST, EQUINOX.
PESSIMIST (Usa) Slaughtering the faithful CD. Death metal. Member of DIABOLIC, UNHOLY GHOST, EQUINOX.
PITCH BLACK (Por) Thrash killing machine CD. Thrash metal
PRO-PAIN (Usa) Pro-pain CD. Hardcore
PURULENT INFECTION (Usa) Exhuming the putrescent CD. Brutal death/ Death metal
RE-CREATION (Usa) Re-creation CD. Death/ Thrash
REMORSE (Fra) Red CD. Hc Grind with technical touches…
ROGER MOORE (Fra)/ HONK FOR MASS (Fra) Split CD. Underground grind to dig under the grounds :OP
ROTTEN COLD (Aus)/ HUMAN MASTICATION (Philippines) Split CD. Death grind/ Brutal death
ROTTING (Can) The forgotten CD. Death metal/ Brutal death. The 2 demos and other things
SEPTYCAL GORGE (Ita) Growing seeds of decay CD. Brutal death
SEVERANCE (Usa) Suffering in humanity CD. Death metal/ Brutal death
SKULL COLLECTOR (Bel) Depravity indulged through fresh corporal parts CD. Brutal death the underground way
SODOMIZER (Bra) Tales of the reaper CD. Black/ Heavy/ Thrash
SOILS OF FATE (Swe) Highest in the hierarchy of blasting sickness CD. Brutal death (Rerelease of 2 first demos + bonus songs)
SOLGRAV (Fin)/ F (Fin) Split CD. Black metal/ Obscure brutal death
SORDID (Swe) Armed to their grinding teeth CD. Brutal death. Member of EXHALE, MISERATION…
SPIRITUAL DECAY (Usa) Closer to the grave CD. Death metal
SQUASH BOWELS (Pol) No mercy CD. Grind
TERMINAL DESCENT (Usa) Host age to the devil CD. Quite technical Death metal… Sounds quite strange or " experimental " ?
TERROR SQUAD (Jap) The wild stream of eternal sin CD. Thrash metal with great heavy metal touches
THE BLACK CHAIN (Uk)/ NEXT ON THE LIST (Fra) Split CD. Modern grind
THE STONE (Serbia) Magla CD’06. Black metal. Ex STONE TO FLESH.
TORTURER (Chile) The flames of purification CD’03. Death metal
TU CARNE (Spa) Anthologia del horror extremo CD. Grind
VEDONIST (Pol) Awaking to immortality CD. Death metal
VENEREAL DISEASE (Spa) Mondo macabro CD. Brutal death. NECROLUST and FORENSICK members.
VEXED (Ita)/ HATEWORK (Ita)/ HELLINACELL (Ita) ALEA JACTA (Ita) Split CD Thrash/ Death
WACO JESUS (Usa) Receptive when beaten CD. Brutal death grind
WASTEFORM (Usa) Crushing the reviled CD (Sevared/ ntey rerelease). Brutal death
WELKIN (Bel) Angel inside CD. Modern Brutal death
ZONA NEGRA (Arg) Pos tu misma patria CD. Death thrash with power touches.
VA – TRIBUTE TO AS SAHAR. " Eastern bestiality, a salute to as sahar " : Mantak, Whispering amok, Ksk, Istidraj, Farasu, Banshee, Everlasting tales, Darkregime, Tyranny, Al azhazhil… Black metal

MCDs à 3,5 euros port compris:
CARNAL LEFTOVERS (Hol) Pressure pleasure MCD. Death metal/ Brutal death
CONDEMNED BY HATRED (Usa) Toolbag nation MCD. Grindcore/ Death grind the underground way
DR DOOM (Hol) Dr doom MCD. Grind. Great release!
INGENS (Fra) Adventus MCD. Black death with members of MISGIVINGS, INWARD, COMOS MUERTOS
LACERATER (Ita) Nessun urlo nell’ombra MCD. Death metal/ Blasting death
PSYGORIA (Fra) Sculptured by scars MCD. Death metal… Obscure and groovy.
TORN APART (Swe) Craving pale flesh MCD. Death metal/ Brutal death
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Mercredi 20 Fév 2008, 18:06    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

L'offre arrive bientôt à expiration! Dépéchez vous les retardataires!

Lisre mise à jour:

IIIRD SOVEREIGN (India) Destined to suffer CD. Death metal/ Brutal death. A rising hope for India.
APHELION(Ger)/ DISMAL(Ger) Split CD. Old styled Death metal. Members of DEPRESSION (Ger)
ASTRA POLARIS (Rus)/ MOLOCH (Ukr) Split CD. Dark ambiant… Same Moloch who does uber noise, but this is keyboard time.
ATOMIZER (Australia) Songs of slaughter – Songs of sacrifice CD. Thrash black the energetic way!
BARBARITY (Rus) Hell is here CD. Death metal with brutal approach
BEAST PETRIFY (Singapore) Webbed in living hell CD. Death thrash w/ techno thrash influences
BLOODBOIL (Hol) Festering fornication CD. Brutal death
CAKEWET (Fra)/ YATTAI (Fra) Split CD. Grind. Dvd box
CAUSTIC (Spa) The horror cult CD’06. Brutal death… Member of FERMENTO, DETESTOR…
CEMETERY (Indonesia) Detriment image CD. Brutal death
CEPHALOTRIPSY (Usa) Uterovaginal insertion of extirpated anomalies CD. Brutal death. Members of CONDEMNED, VIRAL LOAD.
CRUEL EXPERIENCE (Ger) Suffocated in emotions CD. Death metal/ Blasting death
CRYPTICUS (Usa) Dedicated to the impure CD. Death metal the old way
DEVIANT (Swe) Larvaeon CD. Death metal/ Brutal death
DIABOLICAL DOMINATION (Jap) South was sorrow… CD’00. Death/ Black
DISINTER (Peru) Hell gate CD. Death metal
DROWNED IN BLOOD (Mex) The warfare continues CD. Death metal/ Brutal death
EMPHERIS (Pol) A tribute to black desires CD. Black metal. Member of Hellish, Valpurgia, Morysian.
ESB (Fra)/ THE FANTASTIKOL HOLE (Fra) Split CD Grind chaotique
EXACTLY VIOLENT STYLE (Jap) The devastators from the black continent CD. Grind Hc chaotique
EXQUISITE PUS (Spa)/ CARRIONED (spa)/ CONFINED (Spa) split CD. Brutal death
FLAGELADOR (Bra) A noite do ceifador CD. Thrash speed old school
FLESHGRINDER (Bra) Coroner’s inquest suit CD. Grind gore
FROM BEYOND (Cze) Sounds of the grave CD. Doomy Death metal
GERBOPHILIA (Swi) Militeratogene CD. Grind. Member of CAKEWET
GLAUKOM SYNOD (Fra) Uczulony CD. Indus metal/ Electro noise.
GLEARGH (Ita)/ RISING TERROR (Fra)/ LARDON (Fra) Split CD. Grindcore
GLUT! (Spa) Origen da tragedia CD. Blasting Brutal death. Member of DEMENTED.
GOREGAST (Ger) Viva el animal CD. Death grind
GUTTURAL ENGORGEMENT (Usa) The slow decay of infected flesh CD. Brutal death. Members of HEMATURIA, SIKFUK
HAEMORRHAGE (Spa) Apology for pathology CD. Grind gore
HELL-BORN (Pol) Legacy of the nephilim CD. Death metal. Ex members of DAMNATION, BEHEMOTH…
HELLISH (Pol) Bestial wrath CD. Black metal
HOLY SHIT B.S.E (Col) Fetish coprological trauma CD. Death grind with ex PURULENT & AMPUTATED GENITALS…
HUTT (Bra)/ NOISEAR (Cze)/ GATE (Jap) Split CD. Grind
KAIZEN (Fra) Clear the path CD. Deathcore/ Power *** 5 euros ***
KARNARIUM (Swe) Tänk pa döden CD. Death metal
KRUAGRE (Bel) 750cc export fear CD. Grind
LOSNA (Bra) Wild hallucinations CD. Death thrash *** 6 euros ***
MALIGNANT TUMOUR (Cze)/ SQUASH BOWELS (Pol) Split CD. Gore grind the disjoncted way !
MENTAL APRAXIA (Col) Clinical hypocritical existence CD. Brutal death
MODER (Ger) Ewiger Tod CD. Death metal
MOULDED FLESH (Pol) In the hands of evil CD. Death metal/ Brutal death
NAMELESS (Por) The overcome of the portuguese bastards CD’96. Thrash metal
NAUSEOUS SURGERY (Bra) Immortal warriors CD. Death metal
NERVE (Thailand) Blackened chpt.1 CD. Metal indus the old way (Ministry, Nin…)
NOISECORE FREAK (Can) Corner itch theory CD. Grind/ Noisecore
NOMAD (Pol) The independence of observation choice CD. Death metal. Members of Devilyn, Soul devourer, Behemoth…
NOMENMORTIS (Cze) How I learn to bleed… For the things I wish to forget CD’99. Blasting death
NOTHINGNESS (Mex) Among the nebula CD. Death metal
NOT! (Cze)/ FSFI (Cze) Split CD. Grind with HC punk touches
NUNSLAUGHTER (Usa) Fuck the god in heaven. CD découpé (4 titres). Death thrash
PANDEMIA (Cze) Riven CD. Death metal
PATHOLOGY (Usa) Surgically hacked CD. Brutal death. Members of Parasitic, Cattle Decapitation, Sabbatic feast, Disgorge…
PESSIMIST (Usa) Blood for the gods CD. Death metal. Members of FLESHTIZED, DIABOLIC, UNHOLY GHOST, EQUINOX.
PESSIMIST (Usa) Slaughtering the faithful CD. Death metal. Member of DIABOLIC, UNHOLY GHOST, EQUINOX.
PITCH BLACK (Por) Thrash killing machine CD. Thrash metal
PRO-PAIN (Usa) Pro-pain CD. Hardcore *** 6,5 euros ***
PURULENT INFECTION (Usa) Exhuming the putrescent CD. Brutal death/ Death metal
RE-CREATION (Usa) Re-creation CD. Death/ Thrash
REMORSE (Fra) Red CD. Hc Grind with technical touches…
ROGER MOORE (Fra)/ HONK FOR MASS (Fra) Split CD. Underground grind to dig under the grounds :OP
ROTTEN COLD (Aus)/ HUMAN MASTICATION (Philippines) Split CD. Death grind/ Brutal death
ROTTING (Can) The forgotten CD. Death metal/ Brutal death. The 2 demos and other things
SEPTYCAL GORGE (Ita) Growing seeds of decay CD. Brutal death
SEVERANCE (Usa) Suffering in humanity CD. Death metal/ Brutal death
SKULL COLLECTOR (Bel) Depravity indulged through fresh corporal parts CD. Brutal death the underground way
SODOMIZER (Bra) Tales of the reaper CD. Black/ Heavy/ Thrash
SOILS OF FATE (Swe) Highest in the hierarchy of blasting sickness CD. Brutal death (Rerelease of 2 first demos + bonus songs)
SOLGRAV (Fin)/ F (Fin) Split CD. Black metal/ Obscure brutal death
SPIRITUAL DECAY (Usa) Closer to the grave CD. Death metal
SQUASH BOWELS (Pol) No mercy CD. Grind
TERMINAL DESCENT (Usa) Host age to the devil CD. Quite technical Death metal… Sounds quite strange or “ experimental â€Â ?
TERROR SQUAD (Jap) The wild stream of eternal sin CD. Thrash metal with great heavy metal touches
TORTURER (Chile) The flames of purification CD’03. Death metal
TU CARNE (Spa) Anthologia del horror extremo CD. Grind
VEDONIST (Pol) Awaking to immortality CD. Death metal
VENEREAL DISEASE (Spa) Mondo macabro CD. Brutal death. NECROLUST and FORENSICK members.
VEXED (Ita)/ HATEWORK (Ita)/ HELLINACELL (Ita) ALEA JACTA (Ita) Split CD Thrash/ Death
WACO JESUS (Usa) Receptive when beaten CD. Brutal death grind
WASTEFORM (Usa) Crushing the reviled CD (Sevared/ ntey rerelease). Brutal death
WELKIN (Bel) Angel inside CD. Modern Brutal death
ZONA NEGRA (Arg) Pos tu misma patria CD. Death thrash with power touches.
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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Inscrit le: 04 Fév 2005
Messages: 6938
Localisation: dunkerque

MessagePosté le: Mercredi 20 Fév 2008, 19:30    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

bin ouais mais je suis a sec faut que j'attends le mars Sad
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Will - Noiseweb
Noise Maniac

Inscrit le: 16 Oct 2004
Messages: 8229
Localisation: Tournus (71) / Lille (59)

MessagePosté le: Jeudi 21 Fév 2008, 04:00    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

tastemandeath a écrit:
bin ouais mais je suis a sec faut que j'attends le mars Sad

Putain, mais qui n'est pas à sec en ce moment, sérieux ?!!
NOISEWEB 'zine -

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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Jeudi 21 Fév 2008, 09:18    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Will - Noiseweb a écrit:
tastemandeath a écrit:
bin ouais mais je suis a sec faut que j'attends le mars Sad

Putain, mais qui n'est pas à sec en ce moment, sérieux ?!!

Tout le monde ne claque pas tout son blé dans la bière et le ski Razz
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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Pilier du Forum

Inscrit le: 04 Fév 2005
Messages: 6938
Localisation: dunkerque

MessagePosté le: Jeudi 21 Fév 2008, 10:22    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Will - Noiseweb a écrit:
tastemandeath a écrit:
bin ouais mais je suis a sec faut que j'attends le mars Sad

Putain, mais qui n'est pas à sec en ce moment, sérieux ?!!

week end paris,tattoo,carnaval,concerts,capotes!!!!
vivement le 3 mars
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Loudblast ::
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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Jeudi 21 Fév 2008, 10:27    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

tastemandeath a écrit:

Quelle saveur? Ananas?
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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Inscrit le: 04 Fév 2005
Messages: 6938
Localisation: dunkerque

MessagePosté le: Jeudi 21 Fév 2008, 14:01    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Lord_Gayball_Gayblow a écrit:
tastemandeath a écrit:

Quelle saveur? Ananas?

non pomme pour les boudins Wink
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Pilier du Forum

Inscrit le: 04 Fév 2005
Messages: 6938
Localisation: dunkerque

MessagePosté le: Jeudi 21 Fév 2008, 14:13    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

HELL-BORN (Pol) Legacy of the nephilim CD. Death metal. Ex members of DAMNATION, BEHEMOTH
NAUSEOUS SURGERY (Bra) Immortal warriors CD. Death metal
PANDEMIA (Cze) Riven CD. Death metal
TORTURER (Chile) The flames of purification CD’03. Death metal
VEDONIST (Pol) Awaking to immortality CD. Death metal

PSYGORIA (Fra) Sculptured by scars MCD. Death metal… Obscure and groovy.
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Loudblast ::
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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Jeudi 21 Fév 2008, 14:14    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Serait-ce une reservation à la pomme? Wink
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Dimanche 02 Nov 2008, 11:02    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

02/11/2008// NOISE IS BACK Update
AXIS OF PERDITION (Uk) The ichneumon method CD. Black metal
BOWELFETUS (Autralia)/ OFFAL (Bra) Split MCD. Goregrind doom/ Death gore
DISTROCER (Bra) Infernal offense Demo CDr. Thrash metal
GUERRA MUNDIAL (Philippines)/ GORGONIZED DORKS (Usa) Split CDr. Crust/ Noisecore
HYBRID VISCERY (Bel) Regression CD. Grindcore
MESEMON ECROF (Bra) Useless ways of the cross Demo CDr. Brazilian Death metal
NEGATRON (Philippines) Thermal shock Demo tape. Thrash metal. Members of PATHOGEN
ORATEGOD (Chile) Fall slowly until the hell abyss Demo tape. Blasting death
PHLEGM THROWER (Philippines) Premature ejaculation Demo CDr. Gore grind
SANGUINEOUS (Australia) Extinguish the dying light of serenity MCD. Brutal death
TEMPESTILENCE (Bra) Under the ground Demo CDr. Death metal
VEX (Philippines) Capitalism is cannibalism Demo CDr. Grind

Fanzine: MYSTICAL MUSIC (Ger) #13: Grotesque, Hail of bullets, Bloodbath, Resurrection, Fatalist, Deicide, Facebreaker, Unanimated, Daniel Ekeroth, Disfear,
Spearhead, Treblinka, Mr death, Graveyard, Arsis, Deranged, 21 lucifers, The rotted, Demiurg, Mourning beloveth... + CDr sampler. 86 pages. A4. In english. 2008

Fanzine: PUTREFFACTIVE EFFECT (Fra) #4: Abominat, Drawn and quartered, Death invoker, Infinitum obscure, Dark remains, St erik, Burning dogma records,
Prayer book zine, Sanguineous, Internecine excoriation, Black sister, Cerebral effusion, Dark managarm, Resistance, Carbonized 16 years old victim... 66 pages. A4. In english. 2008.
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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