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Inscrit le: 09 Avr 2009
Messages: 3

MessagePosté le: Samedi 09 Mai 2009, 16:37    Sujet du message: Arckanum Répondre en citant


ARCKANUM - Antikosmos
Ltd. 12" LP

+ Bonus track : Loka Bok Ok Hat +
+ Sleeve available in two different versions +
+ 180gr white record w/ black splatters +
+ 180gr transparent record w/ black splatters +
+ 180gr black record +
+ 30x30cm 12-page booklet +
+ A2 poster +



ARCKANUM - Antikosmos


Tracklisting :
1 - Svarti 06:02
2 - Dauðmellin 04:34
3 - Røkulfargnýr (MP3) 05:04
4 - Blóta Loka 05:14
5 - Nákjeptir 04:06
6 - Eksortna 01:29
7 - Sú Vitran 06:25
8 - Formála 04:06

Retail orders : eitrin.mailorder[at]gmail[dot]com
Wholesales : eitrin.editions[at]gmail[dot]com

Label :
Mailorder :

Soundtrack To Wintry Death Of The Worlds!

“Njørðr asked Þjazi, the wrathful rime-giant, on the behalf of all the gods for amends; peace between them. But Þjazi answered: ‘No amends – no peace!’ Next, darkness and mist hung over the horizon behind Þjazi and his brothers; and out of the darkness came the ferocious dog-headed giant-tribe of Beli, Þjazi’s allies. The gods now understood that war and darkness were upon them.”

ARCKANUM returns with the Soundtrack to Wintry Death of the Worlds, an invocation of the wrath from the world of ice. Shamaatae evokes snow-storms out of the bottomless depths of the underworld called Niflhel. They will come as furious rime-giants and sweep their icy scythes to reap all. This album is homage to the Old Norse giant called Þjazi. It is a reflection and an allegorization of Þjazi’s wrathful and god-adversary evocation, resulting in long and annihilating winters destined to wipe out all life. It is the beginning of Ragna Røk.

The noise and harmony of "ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ" are resounding the acosmic rime-breath of Chaos; motivated to counteract the cosmos with destruction.

Tracklisting is as follows:
01. Þórhati
02. Þann Svartís
03. Þyrpas Ulfar
04. Þursvitnir
05. Þyrstr
06. Þjóbaugvittr
07. Þjazagaldr
08. Þá Kómu Niflstormum
09. Þrúðkyn
10. Þríandi
11. Þyteitr

ARCKANUM's fifth album has been mastered by Andy Classen at Stage One Studio and will be out on May 29th on both CD and vinyl.
In the meanwhile, you can check two songs on the band's Myspace.

“When I have destroyed the worlds, the next one shall be free!” – Þjazi
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