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NERLICH: Innards Demo tape out now!

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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Dimanche 01 Nov 2009, 16:27    Sujet du message: NERLICH: Innards Demo tape out now! Répondre en citant

"Innards" Demo tape out now!

4 tracks of Death metal from the grave!
Pro color cover. 3 euros (France) or 4 euros (World) or trades! (Write first)


Email: gabsk (a)
Url: Http://


NERLICH (Fin) "Innards" Demo tape. 4 tracks of Death metal from the grave!

ENTRAILS (Swe) "Reborn" Demo tape. 11 tracks of Swedish Death metal the old way. Think early Entombed, Dismember...

NECROS (Fra)/ ABNORM (Fra) Split tape. Upcoming Death black from France the obscure way!

HEAVING EARTH (Cze) "Vision of the vultures" Demo CDr. Ferocious and dark Death metal influenced by IMMOLATION, old HATE ETERNAL and MORBID ANGEL.

IMPUREZA (Fra) "Inquisition Demos". Tape. Death fucking metal! Contains the 3 demos of Impureza, rereleased as tape for the underground maniacs!


ANTEDILUVIAN (Turkey) Antemortem Demo CDr. Melodic death. 2 covers
CRISI DI FURIA (Fra) Demo CDr. Progressive rock, psyche. 2 covers.
DONYS MOKUALG/ SUBSTITUTION PRODUCT/ KATAPLASM Split CDr. Cyber noisecore/ Harsh noise/ Cut up noisecore. 2 covers
GAAD (?)/ EGO DEATH (Gre) Split MCDr. Experimental noise/ Noise. 4 covers
GLAUKOM SYNOD (Fra) Ogre Demo'07. Indus metal/ Extreme metal/ Electro noise. 5 covers
NAUSEA (Turkey) Unreturnable if opened Demo CDr. Thrash death/ Melodic thrash. 2 covers
NECROPOPCORN (Slovenia) Necropopcorn Demo CDr. Grind. 3 covers
RECTAL CUMSHOT (Ita) Tales of vacant coffin Demo CDr. Gore death/ Grind gore. 6 covers
ROGER MOORE (Fra)/ PRAIA DE VOMITO (Bra) Split CDr. Grind. 2 covers
SIGN OF HATE (Bra) Rebel souls of chaos Demo CDr. Death metal. 1 cover
TNPAH (Russia) Welcome to slavery Demo CDr. Thrash metal with death/ black. 1 cover

DEATH CORPSE (Bolivia) Brutal deceso Demo tape. Underground death. 3 covers
DEEP VEIN (Fra) Symbols for the dead Tape. Death metal/ Dark brutal death. 4 covers
DEEP VEIN (Fra)/ BLOODY SIGN (Fra)/ OPPRESSION (Swe) Split tape. Death/ Death black/ Thrash. 5 covers
FORNACE (Ita) The awakening Demo tape. Death thrash black. 2 covers
GLAUKOM SYNOD (Fra) Macabre remixes. Electro industrial metal. 5 covers
HORRID (Ita) Unreleased promo'93. Tape. Death metal. 4 covers
INCINERATOR (Swe)/ VACARME (Fra)/ LETHAL (Swe)/ RE-CREATION (Usa) Split tape. Old school thrash and Death metal. 5 covers
NECROCCULTUS (Mex) Encircling the mysterious necrorevelation Tape. Death metal. 2 covers
PERVERTUM OBSCURUM (Australia)/ NADIMAC (Serbia) Split tape. Death metal/ Thrash. 5 covers
SLAVATOR (Swe) Sacrificial homicide Demo tape. Thrash metal. 2 covers
SOCIALISTIC JONNY GOBLET (Usa)/ EVOLUTION CONTAMINATION (?) Split tape. Experimental noise Diy. 3 covers
TNPAH (Russia) Demohnr Tape. Thrash metal. 6 covers

FRONT 242 (Bel) Pulse CD. Dark electro (1)
NERVE (Thailand) Blackened chpt.1 CD. Metal indus the old way (1)
SHALL NOT KILL (Fra)/ FANTASTIKOL HOLE (Fra)/ TEKKEN (Fra)/ MOON (Fra) Split CD. Grind/ Hc... (1)
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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