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STUNTMAN - Incorporate The Excess (jan. 2014)

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Inscrit le: 25 Oct 2011
Messages: 29

MessagePosté le: Dimanche 15 Déc 2013, 15:44    Sujet du message: STUNTMAN - Incorporate The Excess (jan. 2014) Répondre en citant

De nouveaux arrivants chez Solar Flare Records, avec les Noisegrinders de Montpellier STUNTMAN et leur nouvel album Incorporate The Excess :

PRE-COMMANDER SLF013 :: STUNTMAN - Incorporate The Excess 12" LP
(sortie le 18 Janvier, 10% de remise pour les pré-commandes)

ECOUTER « Bag Of Dicks »


From Sète, situated on the southern shorelines of France, a brutalizing outfit known as STUNTMAN thrives. Having polluted the atmospheres of this lush, beautiful landscape since Autumn 2002, through a plethora of lineup changes over the years, and following a considerable discography thus far including two previous albums, an EP, a split and a dozen compilations appearances, STUNTMAN now prepares to deliver their most energetic hatred yet, with the release of their third album, Incorporate The Excess.

Rampant noise-soaked angular hardcore courses through every second of these new tracks STUNTMAN drops on Incorporate The Excess, the album reminiscent of turn-of-the-century pioneers Botch, Keelhaul, Unsane and Knut while brandishing blasting grindcore attitude. Recorded and mixed by Amaury Sauvé at Studio La Senelle and mastered by Nick Zampiello and Rob Gonella at New Alliance East, the nearly twenty-seven minute hellride of Incorporate The Excess ensures you’ll incur whiplash, then drags you through a torturous feedback frenzy right to the bitter end. Incorporate The Excess will be released through Solar Flare Records on January 18th, 2014 digitally and as a 12” LP, in both black and clear/splatter color schemes, in addition to a CD release through Head Records and a cassette version through Lost Pilgrim.

Vinyl Infos :
:: 300 12" vinyl LPs on two different colours :
- 150 Clear w/ Rainbow Splatters
- 150 Clear
:: Inserts
:: Download cards
:: Price : 10.80€ (pre-orders get 10% discount) + shipping

Vinyl version can be ordered through Solar Flare Records HERE
CD version can be ordered through Head Records HERE
Tape version can be ordered through Lost Pilgrims Records HERE

STUNTMAN : Bandcamp | Facebook | Website
SOLAR FLARE RECORDS : Website | Bandcamp | Facebook | Twitter | Web Store | Youtube | Soundcloud
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Visiteur Courant

Inscrit le: 25 Oct 2011
Messages: 29

MessagePosté le: Lundi 27 Jan 2014, 13:31    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Vous pouvez écouter l'album en intégralité chez :



Commander le disque chez Solar Flare Records

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Visiteur Courant

Inscrit le: 25 Oct 2011
Messages: 29

MessagePosté le: Jeudi 06 Mar 2014, 17:26    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hello à tous !

Le vinyle est désormais disponible en deux couleurs différentes (Clear et Clear w/ rainbow splatter), il se commande ICI sur notre webstore :

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