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Inscrit le: 25 Oct 2011
Messages: 29

MessagePosté le: Mardi 13 Mai 2014, 18:45    Sujet du message: THE GREAT SABATINI - Dog Years LP Répondre en citant

Du nouveau Solar Flare Records, nous sortirons le prochain album des sludgers canadiens de THE GREAT SABATINI intitulé Dog Years :

PRECOMMANDER SLF015 :: THE GREAT SABATINI - Dog Years LP sortie le 2 Juin 2014 (+coupon mp3)

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THE GREAT SABATINI’s third proper full-length, Dog Years was recorded, mixed and mastered by Sean Pearson (Cursed, Shallow North Dakota), and boasts the band’s raw, unpolished approach to capture n act with years of accumulated experience touring, writing and recording together. The aim was to create a hi-fi document with all of their lo-fi sensibilities, grit and live energy intact, and the results are astoundingly destructive.

The band tackles an endless array of approaches within the delivery of their well-honed and devastating hooks and vocal styles. Through a spew of independent and unsigned singles, EPs and two previous full-length releases since 2008 amidst bouts of regional touring as well as extensive tours of North America and Europe, the band has gained a loyal fanbase within the noise, metal and sludge circuits, including the heads of Solar Flare Records, who now brings the band into their ever-expanding roster of gnarled audio chaos, for the release of Dog Years.

Infos vinyle :
:: 500 12" vinyls on two different colours :
- 200 Transparent Red
- 300 Black
:: Thick jacket cover
:: Download coupon
:: Price : 11.90€ + shipping
(preorderers get a 10% discount)

SOLAR FLARE RECORDS : Website | Bandcamp | Facebook | Twitter | Web Store | Youtube | Soundcloud | Instagram
THE GREAT SABATINI : Website | Bandcamp | Facebook | Twitter | Web Store | Instagram
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Visiteur Courant

Inscrit le: 25 Oct 2011
Messages: 29

MessagePosté le: Mercredi 16 Juil 2014, 16:56    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

On a enfin reçu les LPs ! Avec un petit délai à cause du Disquaire Day... En tout cas, ils sont chouettes et vous pouvez les choper sur le shop en ligne de SOLAR FLARE WEBSTORE (two colours : clear red, black)

Vous pouvez streamer l'album en entier chez Decibel Magazine.

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