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NOUVEL ALBUM POUR 2007... avec Ralph Santolla !!!!
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Auteur Message
Will - Noiseweb
Noise Maniac

Inscrit le: 16 Oct 2004
Messages: 8229
Localisation: Tournus (71) / Lille (59)

MessagePosté le: Lundi 25 Fév 2008, 18:53    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

A rare OBITUARY track, entitled "Executioner Returns", has been posted on the group's MySpace page. The song originally appeared on the limited-edition digipack version of the Florida-based death metal band's latest CD, "Xecutioner's Return", which came out last year.

In an interview with The Metal Forge, OBITUARY vocalist John Tardy stated about the bonus cut, "'Executioner Returns' is just a bit of a play on words with the title of the album. Our aim was to confuse everybody, and I think we've done a pretty good job of that! (Laughs) The only reason why the digipak included 'Executioner Returns' was simply because our U.S. label Candlelight Records asked us for an extra song for the limited edition version of the album. We literally jumped into the studio and we put together that song really quickly. It's an awesome song, and it fits right alongside the rest of the album. After we had finished it, we kind of wished that we had put that on the album too. So it'll be released to everyone eventually. It's really just an insane song."


Alors, tout ça, c'est bien gentil sauf que du coup, acheter l'édition limitée a moins d'intérêt, hormis posséder l'objet... Confused
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