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Inscrit le: 10 Jan 2007
Messages: 214
Localisation: annoeullin

MessagePosté le: Lundi 22 Jan 2007, 09:21    Sujet du message: SLAYER INFO Répondre en citant

SLAYER On 'Jimmy Kimmel Live!': 'Eyes Of The Insane' Performance Posted Online

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Salutations métalliques,

A video clip of SLAYER performing the song "Eyes of the Insane" on ABC-TV's "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" Friday night (January 19) has been posted online at

SLAYER played a total of six tracks during their first-ever network television appearance, but only "Eyes" was broadcast in its entirety; "Jihad" was shown under the credits — only the first minute or so was broadcast. After the program had ended, SLAYER played an additional four songs — "Mandatory Suicide", "War Ensemble", "Dead Skin Mask" and "Raining Blood" — for the live audience, which was over 1,000 strong. A full report on the evening from a fan that attended the performance can be found at this location (

As previously reported, has posted a three-minute video of SLAYER paying a visit, on November 8, 2006, to the 52nd Services Squadron, located on the Spangdahlem U.S. Air Force Base in Germany. The band, whose latest release, "Christ Illusion", deals with the brutality of war and religions fanaticism, scrutinizing America's role in Iraq and Afghanistan, spent a couple of hours meeting and chatting with the soldiers, signing autographs, and viewing a fighter aircraft or two. This was the group's first-ever visit to a military base. Watch the clip at this location.(

SLAYER's "Christ Illusion" album, which debuted at No. 5 on the Billboard chart, has sold around 150,000 copies in the United States since its Aug. 8 release, according to Nielsen SoundScan.
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