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INFERNO Records - Mailorder list - Update 12.2007

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Inscrit le: 23 Déc 2007
Messages: 6
Localisation: Oise-Picardie-France

MessagePosté le: Dimanche 23 Déc 2007, 23:45    Sujet du message: INFERNO Records - Mailorder list - Update 12.2007 Répondre en citant

Metal for Beerdrinkers & Hellraisers !!!
Mailorder List 12/2007

BALMOG (Spa) Pestilent Rats For Your Moribund Children MC 3 €
Second release of Spaniards. 4 tracks of raw Black Metal in vein of old Helheim.
Tape professionally released, limited to 300 copies.

BESTIAL RAIDS (Pol) Reversed Black Trinity MC 3 €
Tape version of the debut album . Fukking Black/Death/War Metal.
Tape professionally released.
European edition, strictly limited to 250 copies.

BISMILLAH (Mar) Anholy Hate CDr 3 €
Ambient & depressive Black Metal... Absolutely Great !!!!

BLACK ANGEL (Peru) Reign Of Satan 7"EP - PIC DISC 7 €
Damn fuckin'old-school Black Metal in the pure south-american blasphemic tradition ! Get this piece on a 555 copies limited edition PIC DISC with large foldout 2 sided Postercover ! A real collector !!!!

BLITZKRIEG (UK) Sins & Greed DLP 20 €
One of the most influential bands from the NWOBHM era ! They taught METALLICA what METAL is (too bad they forgot the lessons !) - 11 new songs recorded in 2005 ! Comes on killer double vinyl with gatefold cover ! For collector maniacs ! Limited 500.

BLITZKRIEG (UK) Absolutely Live ! DLP 20 €
16 of their classics recorded live in 2003 in England ! Amazing ! Comes on killer double vinyl with gatefold cover ! For collector maniacs ! Limited 500.

CAVATICUS (Fra) Amentia CDr 3 €
Brutal & raw underground black attack !!!

ELIXIR (UK) Knocking On The Gates Of Hell MCD 8 €
Another NWOBHM hero ! Classic 80's Heavy-Metal that will please all old-Saxon, Iron Maiden, Angel Witch, Diamond Head, Blitzkrieg fans ! Includes 2 live-songs. Limited 500.

EVIL INCARNATE (Usa) Waiting For His Return CD 12 €
After over 4 years of silence, EVIL INCARNATE has returned to strike the earth with bloodshed. All out war against christ, his father, the holy spirit and all who worship the Nazarene pig from Jerusalem, born in Bethlehem. Very blasphemous christ hating Death Metal propaganda inspired by infernal legions such as POSSESSED, DARK ANGEL, MASSACRE, DEATH, and CELTIC FROST. Embrace the Devil's music as EVIL INCARNATE lead the people to Satan, lead them to hell and burn them!!!

EXTINCTION (Uk) Down Below The Fog CD 7 €
Cold raw & chaotic black metal... for those into Burzum & stuff like that... Misanthropic !!!

FOSCOR (Spa) The Smile Of The Sad Ones CD 12 €
The NEW album ! FOSCOR performs amazing Black Metal in the Northern tradition which will appeal to fans of EMPEROR, ENSLAVED, KEEP OF KALESSIN or CODE. Expect Black Metal of the highest calibre !

GOSPEL OF THE HORNS (Aus) Realm Of The Damned CD 12 €
Long awaited second full length album from Australia's bastard sons of Black/Thrash! Moving forward in style but retaining that GOTH rhythm and feel so evident on "Eve of the Conqueror", the new album, "REALM OF THE DAMNED", will definitely kick all you fuckers in the face. Heavy, raw, with a class touch of MOTORHEAD, CELTIC FROST, RAZOR, SODOM (to name some obvious references). True Aussie Black / Death back with a vengeance!

HIRAX (USA) The New Age Of Terror LP 15 €
Raging Intense Furious Thrash fuckin'Metal ! Louder Than Hell ! 11 songs that will definitely blast your mind ! Amazing violent thrash metal for all into old-TESTAMENT, DEATH ANGEL, EXODUS, FLOTSAM & JETSAM, old-SLAYER with really raw punk touches à la old-DISCHARGE, GBH... fuckin'AWESOME !!! Comes on killer vinyl with gatefold cover ! For collector maniacs ! Limited 500.

HONOS AQUILAE (Fra) Imperium Legionis CDr 3 €
Brutal ! Impaled Nazarene meets Marduk !

INSISION (Swe) Ikon CD 12 €
Old-school fuckin’death-metal… fast forward, dark & raw as fuck !!! Digipack w/8 page-booklet.

LORD (Fra) Hell's Fucking Metal LP 13 €
Total old-school black thrash – a must have for all worshippers of Venom, Bathory, Sodom, Destruction, Possessed, etc... !!!

MANTH (Ita) A Conjuration Compelling Obedience MC 3 €
7 tracks of completely Lunatic Black Metal. Project of Bard Manth from Italy.
Tape professionally released, limited to 300 copies.

MAZE OF TORMENT (Swe) Brave The Blizzard EP 5 €
Fast, aggressive & intense Death-thrash in the veins of old-Slayer, Kreator, Death, Morbid Angel, Sadus.. Produced by Dan SWANO. Limited 545.

MORD (Pol) Christendom Perished MC 3 €
8 tracks of aggressive, uncompromising Black Metal in Norwegian style. Fully professional release under the Southern Lord licence. Limited to 500 copies.

MORSÜRE (Fra) Acceleration Process CD 13 €
Fucked up early 80's deathlike speed metal from France. Great pissed sound featuring their one and only album, "Acceleration Process" from 1985 and their 1984 "M.A.D." demo. Raw chaotic speed metal, filled with frenzied guitar riffs, fast killer bass lines and precise hyper drumming. Massive 20 page booklet with TONS of obscure band photos & HUGE interview. Testament lovers beware! This is RAW fucking rabid thrash/speed metal! Released on NunSlaughter Records in conspiracy with Hells Headbangers Records.

NOMINON (Swe) The True face Of Death MLP 12 €
Old-school Death fuckin'metal ! Pretty fast, catchy & merciless ! No synth, no female vocals, pure hate from the grave only ! Great artwork by Chris MOYEN - Comes on killer vinyl with gatefold cover ! For collector maniacs ! Limited 545.

NORTHDARK (Rus) Nostalgia CD 10 €
The last minutes of God recorded onto CD ! Russian blasphemous underground black metal ! Limited to 500 copies.

NUNSLAUGHTER (Usa) Hate Your God CD 12 €
Another over the top raw rehearsal recording ! This is fuckin’ awesome ! NunSlaughter destroy souls & minds, NunSlaughter is the horned king’s best disciple ! Death-fuckin’Metal as it was meant to BE ! Limited 1000.

OMEN (Usa) Eternal Black Dawn LP 15 €
Does this band really need an introduction ? Classic Heavy-Metal for all hardrockers & metalheads around ! Simply a must have for all Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Lizzy Borden fans ! This is their 6th album, released in 2003... Comes on killer vinyl with gatefold cover ! For collector maniacs ! Limited 525.

OND AAND (Fra) Rehears’Hell 2004 CDr 3 €
Raw & repulsive Black Metal… For the sickest only !!!
OND AAND/DEVILISH ERA (Fr/Fr) Gathering For Infernal Onslaught CDr 3 €
The gathering of two of the most extreme & insane Black Metal bands from France… You won’t survive !

PAGAN ALTAR (UK) Lords Of Hypocrisy CD 12 €
This band is CULT ! First release came out in 1982 – during the golden years of Heavy-Metal ! They are the masters of old-school british heavy-doom metal ! A must for all fans of Trouble, Witchfinder General, Coven, early Black Sabbath !

PAGAN ALTAR (UK) Mythical & Magical CD 12 €
More old-school doom-heavy metal with strong 70’s touches ! Another must have for all true metalheads !!!

PAGAN RITES (Swe) Dancing Souls 7'EP 5 €
Excellent old-school black/heavy/death metal ! A must have ! With the mighty Devil Lee Rot on vocals !!!

PORTRAIT (Swe) Into The Nothingness 7'EP 6 €
King Diamond-ish creepyness paired with amazing Maiden-esque twin guitars and furious riffing in the vein of old Mercyful Fate that makes you want to go out, raise your fist, crush the posers and hear the lamentations of their women. Amazing stuff !!!

PRIMAL DAWN (Ire) Zealot MCD 6 €
Death/thrash.... aggressive, fast & merciless ! For fans of AngelCorpse, Morbid Angel & Dissection.

SATAN (UK) Live In The Act DLP 20 €
Nothing but a NWOBHM Legend !!!! 13 songs recorded live at the Dynamo Club in 1983 ! Feel the 80’s metal atmosphere ! With BLITZKRIEG members… Metal at its best ! For all die-hard hardockers & metalheads into early Iron Maiden, Blitzkrieg, early Jaguar… AMAZING !!! Comes on killer double vinyl with gatefold cover ! For collector maniacs ! Limited 500.

SATANOCHIO (Rou) I Am Satanochio Cd 13 €
UNIQUE Black Metal from the Carpathian Forests ! Incredibly Unholy !!!

TERRAGON (Fra) Chapitre 1 CD 10 €
Excellent depressive atmospheric black

TOPHET (Rus) Bypassing The Christian Era CD 12 €
Fast, raw & misanthropic black metal in the northern tradition. Excellent band in its style ! For all blackers around !!! Limited to 500 copies.

V/A - Chaos To Unleash A New Age CD 5 €
Split w/EVIL, S.A.R., THALLIUM - Raw evil war black metal

V/A – End Of The Way CD 5 €
w/Hypnos, Serenade, Morgain, Iniquity... - Death thrash black compilation

WITCHKING (Pol) Witchking CD 12 €
Amazing debut album from this polish Heavy-Metal band ! Awesome vocals, catchy guitars & heavy as hell rythmics !!! For fans of Judas Priest, Nevermore, Metal Church, Iced Earth...

WÜRM (Can)/GRIM WINTER (Can) Suicide Pact CD 10 €
Cold raw suicidal black metal

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HardRockerFab - BeerDrinker & HellRaiser !!!
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