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Mayhem23 Accroc
Inscrit le: 13 Avr 2006 Messages: 742 Localisation: Lille
Posté le: Mercredi 11 Mar 2009, 19:33 Sujet du message: Kristian Qisling Larssøn Vikernes laché dans la nature !! |
Connu sous le pseudonyme de Comte Grishnackh . Varg Vieknes fut tristement célèbre après le meurtre de Euronymous ( Mayhem ) Sort de sa prison cette année. Pourquoi s’intéresser à lui donc, bah parce que tout le monde en parle !!!
Il y en a qui disent qu'il se fera butter par des Mayhémistes, les autres par des communistes !!!
La seule question qui se pose, est-ce qu'il va sortir un nouvel album de Burzum? Qui prendra le risque d'organiser ses concerts ? Et vous que pensez-vous ????? |
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Will - Noiseweb Noise Maniac
Inscrit le: 16 Oct 2004 Messages: 8229 Localisation: Tournus (71) / Lille (59)
Posté le: Mercredi 11 Mar 2009, 20:06 Sujet du message: |
Moi, je pense que ce mec est un grand malade !
On avait obtenu les droits de publication d'une interview qu'il avait faite en prison il y a 3 ans.
On était prêts à la publier, prêts à la traduire, mais finalement, comme ce mec est un gros nazi, on a décliné l'offre.
Mais si ça intéresse quelqu'un, vous pouvez la lire ici en version originale :
Préambule de Geoff :
Il n’est pas chose facile parfois que d’être rédacteur en chef. Souvent la tâche est aisée, parfois moins. Distribuer des disques à ses rédacteurs, mis à part le fait qu’ils se conspuent car ce n’est jamais le bon chroniqueur qui récupère le disque qui l’intéresse, est au final, bien facile face à d’autre situations.
Alors voilà, quand le site burzum.org nous donne l’autorisation de publier une interview de Varg Vikernes, leader de Burzum, l’affaire se corse. Car Burzum n’est pas un groupe de black metal comme les autres. Burzum est LE groupe le plus controversé. Musicalement adulé, le passé de son leader lui vaut une image critiquable.
Avant de présenter cette interview, il est bon de rappeler que Varg purge une peine de prison pour avoir brulé une église et tuer un homme, dont le seul délit a été d’être plus influent que lui.
Est ce qu’une peine de prison permet à un homme de racheter ses fautes ? Je ne le pense pas, mais étant contre la peine de mort, je pense que l’enfermement doit permettre l’introspection. Pas de se payer une nouvelle conscience, mais se rendre compte du mal que l’on a fait.
Dans cette interview, que nous avons laissé en l’état, certains propos vont choquer, par leur nature encore limite idéologiquement, et leur côté spontané. Ces propos n’engagent que la personne qui les a prononcées. Nous ne pourrions être tenus responsables de ce qui va suivre. Peut-être juste responsables de les avoir publiés. Après de longues reflexions, nous le faisons, car après tout, la censure a déjà bien aidé le groupe (Il faut savoir, par exemple, que Burzum est l’un des seuls groupes à être interdit de vente en FNAC.). Et ce n’est pas en passant sous silence des choses, que l’on arrive à les comprendre. Comprendre comment cet homme en est arrivé là, et où il en est, voilà l'objet de cette interview...
Interview with Varg Vikernes/Count Grishknackh
Interview publiée avec la permission de : http://www.burzum.org
Intro par Geoffrey, informations compilées par Will of Death
When you tried to escape from the prison in October 2003, there were quite a lot of publications in Norwegian newspapers about it. According to the statement of your lawyer John Christian Elden in "Aftenposten" You "had no concrete plan except that You wanted to get away from Norway" and "wanted to go somewhere where You could live without being treated as a leper because of Your past. That is why you considered the French Foreign Legion". Though nobody has heard a word from you. So if possible, can you tell people what was your real motivation to escape the prison and what were you planning to do?
You should never trust anything reported by the media. Their first priority is to spread propaganda, their second priority is to make money. They never really care if they tell the truth or not. As for my real motivations we'll see about that later.
How do you feel now in prison? If possible describe your ordinary day: what are you allowed to do and what not? Are you much threatened by the other prisoners and the wardens?
No, I am not threatened by anybody. The prison system in Norway is fairly civilized, by world standards, and so are the prisoners and the guards. I get along well with just about everybody. Recently, I got to have a computer in my cell and will study computer programming the coming year. Apart from that not much is happening. In my block, we sit 23 hours a day in a one-man cell and spend one hour in the yard. We have a TV in the cell and once a week we can go to the library. That's all there is to say really. If I want to do anything I have to do it on my own in my cell, or during the one hour we get each day in the yard. I take some push-ups, lift some bottles filled with water and things like that to stay in shape, and I run in the yard.
Question by Ann from France: Please tell something about your family. How are your wife and your daughter doing? Are they keeping well? Do you often see them?
My father is an electronics engineer working as the security manager in a firm, my brother is a graduate civil engineer and is working in the administration of some security firm, my mother has some annoying complex education (so I don't bother listing it here) and she is working in a large oil company. My daughter is still in elementary school… I don't see my daughter very often (twice since 1993, to be exact), and in fact haven't seen anybody in my family since October last year, but that is due to "prison circumstances". After I was transferred to Trondheim prison, last month, I can take a visit every week actually. I have a good relationship to my family, although my daughter doesn't know me very well - obviously. As for my "wife" I don't know what you are talking about. I have never been married to my daughter's mother not have I ever been married to anybody else. You could say I'm still waiting for that princess to come falling down from the sky and into my lap…
Question by Mark from Poland: What is your great yearning while being in prison?
Nothing special. I am a rational human being and see no reason to yearn for things I cannot have. I adapt to the situation, and that's it really.
When do you exactly get out of the prison?
My best guess is August 2006, but I don't know for sure. They change the laws and rules all the time so nobody really knows.
A lot of people asked me to forward the following question to you: Why you terminated Burzum and is there any hope for its resurrection in the future?
There are many reasons for that. First of all, I was very tired of listening to silly rumours about Burzum and figured the best way to shut people up was to tell people Burzum had ceased to exist and wait for everybody to forget about it. Secondly, it was very difficult to continue when I was in prison. Sure, I was able to make two electronic albums, but I didn't think it was worth the trouble, so to speak. Any inspiration I had left was pretty much finished off by the many silly rumours regarding both Burzum and myself anyhow. Thirdly, I didn't want to be associated with the new so-called "Black Metal" bands. They embarrassed me and I was very tired of having to explain people I met or talked to that I had nothing to do with these people, their image or anything they did. In fact, I felt misused by the media and saw the whole growing "Black Metal" movement as a result of the media lies and their ludicrous presentation of, amongst others, me. Further I was rather puzzled by the fact that my electronic albums were placed in the "Black Metal" shelves in the record shops (or so I was told). It seemed that no matter what I did people would cling to the (erroneous) picture the media had made of me in 1993. So what was the point ? Finally I must say it was not very inspiring to see that tons of new bands emerged from nowhere and started to play the exact same music as I did. Why would I want to play this type of music, when tons of other bands did too? For all I know they even did it better than I ever did ! So why would I bother anymore ? Do we really need a million bands playing the same music ? Isn't it enough with one Paradise Lost, one Das Ich, one Vangelis, one Dead Can Dance, or one Pink Floyd, one Iron Maiden and so forth ? Why would we need a thousand clones ? I figured that if they want to rip off the early "Black Metal" bands that are fine by me. There are other things I can do, so I moved on.
If there is any hope for a resurrection in the future ? In the case I release another album, it will be something new altogether. If it sounds just like any other band, I won't bother. For now, I only have a few new songs, but I guess it is not unlikely that I will make more music in the future.
Question by Karlis from Ventspils, Latvia : If you are allowed to listen to music now, what kind of music do you usually listen to?
If I could listen to music now I would have listened to Das Ich ("Die Propheten"), Tchaikovskij (especially "The Nutcracker" and "The Swan Lake") and other classical music, Dead Can Dance ("Within The Realm Of A Dying Sun"), The Uppsala Jesters (that is; "Juculatores Uppsaliensis" or something like that), Goethes Erben, different house- and rave music, Jean Michelle Jarre, Vangelis, Kraftwerk, Russian folk music, old German and Soviet marches, some opera and possibly some metal music that I have an "emotional time" to - like Paradise Lost (some songs on "Lost Paradise" and their demo tape from 1989 or 1990) and Burzum.
In the recent years there has been a great raise of so called NSBM (National Socialistic Black Metal) bands which base their ideology and music upon NS, Nazi, Pagan/Heathen and Aryan ideas. What is your opinion about them?
I don't know much about this, but what I do know is that at least these guys have the guts to be different and politically incorrect, unlike the spineless poser-bands in the "Black Metal" scene. At least, NSBM has a point other than the brain-dead "sex, drugs & rock'n'roll" attitude in the rest of the metal scene.
There're a lot of rumors in the press about an album called "Sorg", which you have recorded in prison not long ago. Is it true or not?
These are the kind of rumours that made me just want to drop the whole Burzum project. I have never made an album called "Sorg".
Another great rumor is that guitars and drums for "Filosofem" were played and recorded by Fenriz and Nocturno Culto from Darkthrone. Can you confirm or deny this?
Well, who comes up with these rumours anyhow ? Why on Earth would Fenriz and Nocturno Culto play the drums and guitars on the "Filosofem" album ? The album was recorded in March 1993, in Bergen, and everything was played by me. I even carried all the instruments into the studio myself and recorded the album in solitude.
Talking about "Filosofem", once you mentioned that you had not heard the final version of this album. Haven't you managed to listen to it by now, just for the interest ?
As far as I can remember, I was very tired of answering questions about what I thought about this or that album, so one time, I simply took the easy way out and answered that I hadn't heard the CD version, or something like that, so I couldn't answer his question (it looks like Varg meant by "him" a guy who asks the question - ed.). This was a stupid answer of course, as there is hardly any difference between the mastered version of the recording and the actual printed CD, but I just told him that because I was sick and tired of such questions, and I hoped he and others would see that and stop sending me such questions. I had the final, mastered album on tape in my cell, but not the CD, so obviously I could have answered his question properly if I wanted too. Apparently my stupid answers sometimes create just as stupid rumours…
Question by Peter Vishnakov from St.-Petersburg, Russia : When you stopped playing metal-related music, you explained that the reason was that metal music has its roots in negro music. That is why the last two Burzum albums were composed on synthesizer. But synthesizer was invented in St.-Petersburg, Russia by a Jew - Leo Termen in 1920. The first synthesizer was called "termenvox" (the voice of Termen). How would you comment this ?
Comparing an instrument with a music culture is rather odd, I think. It is like comparing letters with languages. I can use Latin letters when I write Russian, and it will still be Russian, right ? But if I write another language with Russian letters, it will not be Russian anyhow. See my point ? "Eta nje harasjo pitch samnoga vodki!" (It is bad to drink so much vodka - ed.) or "Panjemaesh pa germanskamo?" (Do you understand German? - ed.) is still Russian, even if I use Latin letters! (Well, very poor Russian I guess, but you should be able to see my point). So if I use an instrument made by a Jew to play European music, the music will still be European. Or for that sake: these answers are not American, even though I use an American invention - the PC - when I answer the question. Right ? I am able to see the link between classical music and some metal music, but my main objection was and is really that the culture following in the footsteps of metal music is "Negro". The "metal heads" tend to behave like a bunch of "White Niggers", so to speak, with their sex, drugs and rock'n'roll culture.
What do you do now ? Have you written any new books/booklets or articles lately ? Any publications in magazines ? Do you still make researches in European and Aryan mythology and history?
Yeah, I still read books and try to broaden my horizon. I haven't written that many articles lately, actually the only one the last year is the one I sent you some weeks ago, regarding the "Lords Of Chaos". The last three years or so I have been very isolated, for different reasons, and has not been in a situation where I have been able to write that many articles, or done anything else sensible really. Yes, I have written some books, since 1998, but some of them are not worth publishing and others will be included in later works, after they have been translated into English. In theory, the first book will be published early next year, and it will be in English by the way. You'll get to know more about that later.
You are not a member of AHF nowadays, are you ? How did it happen that you had to leave AHF ? What were the reasons to do this? Were you forced to do it or was it your own decision?
The NHF was persecuted in Norway, by the Antifa/Monitor, who repeatedly wrote that the NHF was neo-Nazi and that leader was Varg Vikernes, and so forth. Even when the NHF told them that Varg Vikernes is not the leader of the NHF or the AHF they just kept on about it. Even the secret police claimed adamantly that I was the leader of the NHF when they interviewed one of the NHF guys (as he tried to get a license to own a 10mm H&K pistol of some sort). He told them I wasn't the leader, but they just ignored him and trusted their own sources instead. After a while, I figured out that it would be interesting to see what these people would do if I wasn't even a member of the NHF. Would they still claim I was the leader ? It never mattered if I was a member or not, as I was in prison and incapable of participating in any of their expeditions to old hills forts, or the like, anyhow. For that reason, I left the AHF/NHF, to see how the Antifa/Monitor morons and the secret police would do. In practice, I have never been a member, so the NHF guys never noticed any difference (in fact I haven't even met half of them), and if I want to write articles for their magazine I can do that anyhow, whether I am a member or not. The AHF/NHF never asked me to leave and there is no argument between us in any way. I simply left, for the above mentioned reasons.
Question by Helen from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Russia: What books are you reading now ? How and where do you get them from?
Right now I am reading "Gjennom Lysmuren" (Through the Wall of Light) by Bente Müller, and "Historien om Europe" (The History of Europe) by Karsten Alnæs. I cannot recommend any of them to anybody. The book by Alnæs is - like his other books - very poor. His reflections are so politically correct (ignorant) and boring it is hard not to fall asleep. The other one I have just started on, but it doesn't look good either. We can go to the library here once a week and ask the librarian to order books from any other library in Norway. Apart from that I sometimes get books from my kind mother, who is a member of a book club, or from friends.
Have you ever read The Book of Veles ? What is your opinion about it?
No I haven't, but I read a review by Sverd in a Norwegian magazine (KultOrg. Skandinavio [Ooops, I have forgotten how they spell that…]) and I would like to read it (this magazine is known as "KulturOrgan Skadinaujo"; see more info here: www.kultorg.com - ed.). The problem is that I haven't found the book yet in any library in Norway. For some weird reason I have problems finding books about Greek mythology lately too…
Question by Sventevith from Kosice, Slovakia : What do you think about Slavonic (Eastern European) nations and their (future) possible place in Europe ?
The possible place of Easter European nations in Europe ? Have the Eastern European nations ever not had a place in Europe? Or perhaps you are talking about the European Union ? If you are talking about the EU, I can tell that I am very negative to it, and would never advice anybody to join that thoroughly corrupt, extremely bureaucratic, predominately catholic and utterly chaotic union. Well, in any case I am generally positive to the Eastern European nations, both the Slavonic nations as well as the Baltic ones, and I can add that I am far more positive to Eastern Europe than I am to Western and Southern Europe. There is more aboriginal European culture in Lithuania, for instance, than there is in all of Western and Southern Europe all put together.
As I'm from Russia I'm interested in your opinion about Russians and our neighbours - Ukrainians and Byelorussians?
As far as I know Ukraine means something like "by the border", and of course Byelorussia means "white Russia", because there are more blonde people there than in the rest of Russia, so to me you are basically the same - just like Danes, Swedes and Norwegians are basically all the same. And this is supposed to be a compliment to all these nations, as I am very positive to Russian (and Scandinavian) culture and people. Russian women are beautiful, Russian music is beautiful and history tells us that Russians are tough, strong and proud people.
Question by Durbwakh from Russia : Do you agree with the fact that Russians are descendants of ancient Scandinavians - Varangians, as the word "Russia" occurs from the name of Ross/Russ tribes ? Should this mean that German/Scandinavian and Russian pagan gods are one and the same, but have different names?
All the European pagan gods are the same, we just call them by different names, like Svarog, Uranos, Wotan and Óðinn (Ódhinn), or Perun, Zeus, Jupiter, Donar and Þórr (Thórr), and so forth. There are slight differences from one part of Europe to the other, but basically the gods are all the same - and originally they were identical (just like our Info-European languages). Sure, many Russians have Scandinavian blood, and vice versa. But I do not think the fact that many Scandinavians, mainly Swedes, settled in Russia/Ukraine/Byelorussia in the Viking age has anything to do with the fact that we have common pagan gods. It is very wrong to believe that the Russians didn't have a pagan religion and culture before the Scandinavians came to your area. Like I said above all the aboriginal tribes in Europe had a common pagan religion, and just like our languages developed over time, so did our paganism.
Another question by Durbwakh from Russia: European nations were descended from Hyperboreans. How do you think who were Hyperboreans descended from?
Well, I wouldn't use the term "Hyperboreans", but I guess that is irrelevant. Obviously I cannot say for sure, but it seems the Hyperboreans, to stick to Your term, came from Atlantis to Europe, when Atlantis was covered with ice, some 80.000 years ago. The ruins of Atlantis most likely lie under the ice of Antarctica (thus it sank into "a sea" of ice), and a natural disaster forced the Hyperboreans to move to other parts of the world (it must be a misprint, because Hyperborea was in the Arctic - ed.). Some places they settled in uninhabited lands, and some places they settled in parts of the world that were inhabited by other races. Some tribes were assimilated by larger populations of other races (like in America, some 10.000-20.000 years ago), others perished, and the only tribe that survived "unpolluted" was the one that ended up in Europe. This tribe is the origin of all the European (that is "white") peoples - and this is of course the tribe I am talking about when I say we all had the same language and religion in the past.
According to the modern researches, ancient Aryans came to India from the territory of The North Urals and brought their belief - later called Hinduism. Then they moved to the West and explored Europe and North Africa. Do you see straight connection between Hinduism, Buddhism and German/Scandinavian beliefs?
No, I don't, and I have to tell that the theory regarding the Indo-European "invasion" of Europe is highly dubious. The Aryans were people who came to the Indus valley, alright. They had a European origin and they brought their culture to the Indus valley. After a while they were assimilated by the larger population of natives, and then their high-culture collapsed. In other words, the Aryan tribe disappeared due to race mixing. We still see that the highest caste (meaning "colour", by the way !) has some Aryan blood left, as sometimes there are still children born with blue eyes or blonde hair in this caste.
What you are talking about is a theory that there was a migration of Indo-Europeans, or "Aryans", into Europe some 4.000 years ago. They base this theory on the spread of bronze weapons, which is the spread of a certain type of bronze axes (battle axes). This might sound reasonable, but it is actually nonsense. There was no "invasion" into Europe by the Aryans. What we saw was a spread of the bronze technology, which was quickly adopted by all the European (the other «Aryan") people.
The theory of the "Battle Axe People" and their invasion into Europe some 4.000 years ago is actually very silly. We can compare what happened to the spread of feudalism in the Middle Ages, and obviously that was not an invasion of a new and different tribe either - but the spread of a new way to organize society. Nor does it mean that the spread of "Microsoft" all over the world is due to the fact that some American tribe conquered the Earth in the 80-ies and 90-ies, as could be implied by future archaeologists using the same logic trying to explain the worldwide spread of what happened when all the European tribes suddenly began to produce artefacts of bronze. Archaeology is a very inaccurate science and more than often their conclusions are extremely ignorant. _________________ NOISEWEB 'zine - www.noise-web.com
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Mayhem23 Accroc
Inscrit le: 13 Avr 2006 Messages: 742 Localisation: Lille
Posté le: Mercredi 11 Mar 2009, 21:12 Sujet du message: |
si j'ai bien compris, son avocat avait étudié l'idée de son intégration dans la légion étrangère Française!!! Eh bah il serait vite reparti, puisqu'il aurait du côtoyer des non Aryens!!! Je l'a trouve finalement très intéressante cette interview, pour voir à quelle point ce mec est un malade mentale. Comment il essaie de détourner la question sur les origines du synthétiseur inventé par un juif russe. Comme quoi le fait d'utiliser un instrument d'origine non aryenne peut s'avérer utile pour une musique typiquement Européennes!
Le plus frappant c'est les questions des lecteurs sur les origines des peuples, comme si le gars était un docteur dans la matière!!! Trop marrant au point du ridicule! |
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Gaet - Noiseweb Noise Maniac
Inscrit le: 17 Aoû 2008 Messages: 425 Localisation: 59
Posté le: Jeudi 12 Mar 2009, 18:56 Sujet du message: Re: Kristian Qisling Larssøn Vikernes laché dans la natur |
Mayhem23 a écrit: |
Il y en a qui disent qu'il se fera butter par des Mayhémistes, les autres par des communistes !!! |
il existe encore des communistes sur cette planète? ... faut le dire, ça serait intéressant d'en interviewer un... _________________ OOOH! SHIT!!!! BAD MUSIC MAKES BAD PEOPLE!!!
www.myspace.com/awarmplaceproject |
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