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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Vendredi 09 Oct 2009, 10:03    Sujet du message: ENTRAILS: Répondre en citant

ENTRAILS : "Reborn"
Demo tape out now!

11 tracks of Swedish Death metal the old way!
Think early Entombed, Dismember...

France: 3 euros/ World: 4 euros (Postpaid)
Trades are welcome, but remember:

NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:


Dernière édition par Lord_Gayball_Gayblow le Vendredi 12 Fév 2010, 14:22; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Jeudi 15 Oct 2009, 14:34    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


La première chronique de la tape a été publiée sur le webzine VOICES FROM THE DARKSIDE:

The first look on the ENTRAILS logo made me think of ENTOMBED. Only a bit rougher. Nothing wrong with
similarities but how about the music? First of all, this is not the one from Avesta, but län which seems to be nearby. According to the bio ENTRAILS was formed in 1991 by Fredde, Tobbe, Billy and Jimmy, died in 1998 and resurrected 2009. From the original line-up only Jimmy "Bloodspill" is left. I'm glad he did 'cause the demo "Reborn" tastes like a big juicy lump of flesh in no more than 11 portions including one bonus. The production and instrumentation, done by Bloodspill himself in his home-studio(!), is very well done, tight and brutal as hell! Although the guitars tend to rip some attention from the vocals and my headphone buzzed in the heavy parts, absolutely nothing to complain and it suits this type of Death Metal just perfectly. The haunting solos give this brutality more wickedness and stand out to the vicious riffing. Session vocalist Jocke Svensson (BIRDFLESH, LITANIA, DEVILRY) is growling his guts out. For "Reborn" a drumcomputer is used which doesn't bother here 'cause it's well done! A bit like INFESTDEAD did. The songs are quite variating and heavy. To tell you the truth, some songs needed more listening to fully grab me than others, but once they do, you're done. And let's not forget this is the first release and a real promising time warp to the brutal days of Swedeath. As Jimmy explains in his interview with Nihilistic Holocaust: "My motivations are nostalgia and a certain anger about Death Metal that have started to get out of hand and become worse in my point of view, my
music is an answer to that. That is what has given me the strength to come back and start where I ended playing…" And this is simply what you get: good, solid and brutal Death Metal! Fans of old HYPOCRISY, INFESTDEAD, DISMEMBER, BLOODBATH and likes check this out! Actually everyone should check this because tracks like 'The Morgue', 'Evil Obsession' and 'Breath Of Death' are simply great and timeless! The lovely dark intro also speaks for itself! I'm looking forward to his (or their) next release! The band signed to Nihilistic Holocaust, who you might know from their webzine (interview) and the excellent Reincremation Split CD (IMPUREZA, ARSONIST, SUDDEN DEATH and INGURGITATING OBLIVION). This demo sells for 3 Euro (France) / 4 Euro (world).
Michael Tak
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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