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NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST Distro! Mise à jour + nouveau rangeme

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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Dimanche 20 Mar 2005, 11:31    Sujet du message: NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST Distro! Mise à jour + nouveau rangem Répondre en citant


NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST Distro mise à jour avec pas mal de news!

Pour faciliter la recherche, une partie des articles est maintenant classée par styles musicaux:
Death/ Brutal death; Grind/ Hardcore; Black metal; Death mélodique/ Doom/ heavy; Noise/ Expérimental...

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NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Dimanche 20 Mar 2005, 11:32    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


BORYBOGMA (Usa) Ghastly rhapsodies and suppurative... Demo CDr. Noise grind
FESTERING CACK (Usa) Orgy at the scatball Demo CDr. Shit grind
HATEFUCKED FLESH (Usa) Ritualistic perversion of gore. Demo CDr. Brutal death noise
LACERATED DEFUNCTS (Fra) Rehearsal '92. Thrash death. Avec un futur SUPURATION.
MASTIFAL (Argentine) Holocausto mental Tape Lp. Thrash heavy
OLD (Ger) Rehearsal tape 2004. Old black thrash
STOMACHAL INFLAMATION (Bra)/ C.V.I. (Bra) Split tape. Grind

ABSOLUTIONS (Hol)Paska sessions Tape. Crustcore
AFRICANI DRONZI (Jap) 2l vangelo dell' intoleranza. Live tape. Experimental HC rock grind avec claviers...
ANUS TUMOR (Ger) Beauty surgeon accidents Demo CDr. Cyber grindgore
FUNGUS (Por) Dislimbed and stuffed with maggots Demo tape. Death grind
GODLESS TRUTH (Cze) Selfrealization CD'01. Brutal death
MIXOMATOSIS (Spa) The gorelection Tape Lp (studio+live). Grind/ death
NAVE (Ger) Light and the wilderness alone Demo CDr. Heavy metal (moderne)
NIGHTLY GALE (Pol) Erotica promo tape'99 Doom mélodique.
TALES OF DARKNORD (Russie) The last Tape Lp'98. Brutal death
THALIDOMIDE (Fra) Death...starvation...plague and war Demo'95. Techno death thrash
THE KRUSHERS (Ita) Kaos at Csoa excacere Tape. Live. Thrash metal
TROOPS OF DEATH (Chili) Black september Demo tape. Old thrash black.
VAMPYRO/ SPERMSHOT SOLDIERS Is it good enough for radio? Split tape. cybergrind/ Noisegrind punk
VÖRGUS (Swe) Vörgusized Demo CDr. Thrash metal

ANGEL'S DECAY (Slovakie) Odiumspace Tape Lp'03. Death brutal
BOILING REMAINS/ SLAUGHTERGRAVE/ OOSA/ AKAKNUG Split CDr. Grindnoise/ Grindnoise/ harshnoise
BUTCHER ABC (Jap) Official bootleg live Tape. Deathgore grind
CRANIOTOMY (Slovakie) And from flesh to bone Demo Tape'00. Brutal death
DISSECTED (Ger)/ SLAUGHTERGRAVE (Gre) Split CDr. Grind death noise
EVIL OFFERING (Chili)/ HATEFUL AGONY (Ger) Split tape. Old school thrash
FROSTMOON ECLIPSE (Ita) Death is coming Tape Lp. Black metal
FUCK THE FACTS (Can)/ BANZAI 606 (Malaysie) Split tape. Grindnoise/ grind
GORE (Jap)/ HOPE (Jap) Split tape. Grind death/ Sludge doom grind
GRANULOCYTIC BLASTOMA (Thailand) Dysfunction of the uncontrollable sarcoidosis Demo tape. Goregrind
GRUUTHAAGY (Croatie) Elekronika misantropika Demo tape. Electronic bizarre
HATEWORK (Ita) The first strikes of hate Tape Lp. (Demos) Thrash old school
SLAUGHTERGRAVE (Gre) Beneath the dawn of suffocation Demo CDr. Old Death

AVENGER (Cze) Fall to devotion - wrath and blasphemy Tape Lp. Black
CARNAL RAPTURE (Ita) Promo demo. CDr. 2004. Techno death
CSSO (Jap) Clitto's special hit covers Tape. Grind
DELUGE (Australie) Mobius continuum Demo tape'01. Black
DEMONISM (Bulgary) The demo-Ism 1997-2000 CDr. Black metal
DEPRAVED (Fra) Unsuitable bondage scemes. Live. CDr'04 Grind death
DOWNFALL (Fra) Departures Demo tape'96. Doom mélodique
FILTH (Fra) Only life decides Demo tape'95 Heavy thrash
GHOLES (Fra) Songe Demo tape'98. Dark metal mélodique
HAMBURGER ALIEN (Fra) Claustrophobie Demo tape'96. Metalcore
NECROPLASMA (Swe)/ DARKNESS (Ita) Split tape. Black
NEFAST (Fra) Live tape'95. Thrash powercore
PHANTASMAGORY (Ukraine) Odd sounds Tape Lp'99. Death technique.
REMORSE (Fra) Grind cutter Demo. Grind hardcore torturé
SPIRITUAL (Ita) Iceland Demo CDr. Black metal
STOMACHAL CORROSION (Bre)/ ROT (Bre) Split tape'96. Grind
SUPREMACY (Fra) Anguish Demo tape'92. Thrash heavy
THROW UP (Fra) Esclave Demo. Death core grind

AUDIORREA / POZILGA split CDr. Goregrind / grindnoise
EVS (Jap) Exactly violent style Demo CDr. Hardcore grind torturé
FIBROSARCOMA (Ita) Demo CDr. gore grind cybernetic
INFECTED MALIGNITY (Jap) Demo CDr'05. Brutal death US
MUTILHATE (Fra) Treason Demo'05. Death metal
TOTAL DEATH (Ita) Thrash division Demo CDr. Old school thrash black

ps: WillofDeath!! Envoies ton pognon (mini 3 zéros sur le chéque) ou je dévoile les photos en string rose!!!! Twisted Evil Wink
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Mercredi 23 Mar 2005, 23:20    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

-Site refait
-Ajout de beaucoup d'images
-Possibilité de payer par Paypal
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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