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Out now! GRIPE: The future doesn't need you Tape! (Grindcore

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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Dimanche 04 Mar 2012, 12:52    Sujet du message: Out now! GRIPE: The future doesn't need you Tape! (Grindcore Répondre en citant

Out now! GRIPE: "The future doesn't need you" Demo tape!

GRIPE pétent les plombs dans la ville d'Athens (Usa) et te démontent la tête
avec 8 morceaux de Grindcore qui déchire avec des influences powerviolence!


C'est une cassette blanche, sortie sur Visceral Circuitry records.
Disponible contre 1,50 euros + le port sur ce webshop:

Echanges possibles (Surtout Death metal, grindcore, brutal death, industriel)
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Vendredi 09 Mar 2012, 18:44    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Voilà ce que plusieurs sites ont dit de cet enregistrement:

Gripe are a three-piece powerviolence band from Athens, Georgia. Their sound is a good mixture of grindcore and powerviolence. I really love the high-pitched vocal style, which is one of the things I love about most powerviolence bands. "The Future Doesn't Need You" is Gripe's first e.p. and it is insanely good. It's so good that I can see these guys being on a label like To Live A Lie, Give Praise, or even Grindcore Karaoke. I know that it is clichéd to say this but this e.p. just sounds violent. I feel like this would be a perfect soundtrack for a killing spree , and the song titles reflect Gripe's violent sound with titles like "Go For Throat" and "History of Violence". "The Future Doesn't Need You" comes in at around 10 minutes, but all the songs are memorable and because of that this e.p. feels a lot longer. My favorite songs of of "The Future Doesn't Need You" are "Prison Tycoon", "Eatr Bot", and "Go For The Throat". The cover art is also really cool.

Gripe send me their 8 song's demo that can feed us eargasm, to those people digging new band that playing brutal as fuck hardcore/grindcore, Gripe is worth to put into your hard drive.srsly brutal shit... to know more about gripe check their facebook and bandcamp for show and updates.( thank you for sending me your band, i really appreciate it)

So Gripe surprise me by being a powerviolence band that I not only tolerate, but enjoy. I don’t know how old they are, and I don’t really care, but they do have the young-dude-midrange yell that makes me grit my teeth. The classic grindcore “little bear/papa bear” vocal dynamic is present, though, so sometimes the vocalist sounds like his balls have dropped. I guess I do care about age, in that I genuinely hope this band does not last long. Few things would be sadder than old dudes in a band called Gripe. (...)
I fend off powerviolence/grind/everything-core bands daily. My inbox is like a batting cage with a pitching machine at double speed. I swear, if I hear another blastbeat, I’ll… But then come Gripe, young-dude-midrange yells and all. And I let them play. They know what they’re doing. They know how not to bore me. Their riffs twist achingly, and their snare sound is fantastic. (That sounds trivial, but I really get off on great snare sounds.) With smart complaints lyrics about societal/personal injustices, and comical photos of cops on Segways (somehow imagery of cops on Segways makes perfect sense for a band called Gripe), this package is a tasty cookie of bile.
I am not a bilious person, so who knows how long Gripe will last in my consciousness. (Hopefully not too long – few things would be sadder than an old dude listening to a band called Gripe.) But for a sharpshooting blast of grind that hits sideways but drills deep, Gripe fills that “need”.

Une interview de GRIPE est aussi dispo ici:

Plus d'infos:
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Samedi 17 Mar 2012, 11:01    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Des casettes de GRIPE seront bientôt dispos chez:

FASTDIE (Malaysia)

NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Vendredi 23 Mar 2012, 20:00    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Voilà d'autres chroniques de cet enregistrement:

Gripe is a great name for a powerviolence band. I loved it before I even heard the music. This band has a way of working to all aspects of grind and powerviolence. From the fast, aggressive, chaotic tracks to the slower, sludgier side of things, this band is pretty fantastic. I love the high-pitched vocals on these tracks. Those are some of my favorite styles of screaming. It’s brutal, harsh and vicious and I absolutely love it. This band has released an EP called The Future Doesn’t Need You and from first listen I can tell this is going to be one of my favorite releases out right now. Being an unsigned powerviolence band means that these guys probably don’t get the kind of recognition they deserve, and boy do they deserve it. Right off, tracks like “History of Violence” and “Just Fucking Die” stick out a lot. I love both of these tracks. The title being screamed at the beginning of “Just Fucking Die” is fantastic. Every single track on this album is fucking unbelievable. It’s a ferocious attack of grinding madness that I cannot get over. I can easily compare this band to a hideous car crash in the sense that you are drawn to it whether you want to be or not. I have no connection to this band whatsoever, but I honestly wish them the best and hope that music pays off for them because I am looking forward to hearing more from them.

Finally, we have a slab of raging, grinding powerviolence that kicks some serious ass. Gripe’s ‘The Future Doesn’t Need You’ contains 10 brutally harsh tracks. They keep it interesting through – not every track is a 30-second blast – songs are allowed to flourish, allowing for deviation in the riffs, the tempo and more. As a result, it kicks ass all the way through. The final track here, entitled ‘Universal Stupidity’, pretty much sums up the way Gripe set up their stall – in one way, and one way only – to smash some heads in. And with a closing lyric such as ‘Gripe wins!’, you can’t really argue.

2010 in Athen gegründet, ziehen GRIPE ihre Einflüsse aus schnellem Hardcore, Grindcore und Powerviolence. Entsprechend ist die Musik an manchen Stellen schon mal etwas chaotischer. Doch gerade der Anfang von “The Future Doesn’t Need You” ist unterhaltsam und lässt den Hörer trotz vieler Stop’n Go-Passagen nicht unbedingt stolpern. Das zäh beginnende und mit über 2 Minuten fast schon epische “History Of Violence” ist ein richtig geiler Brecher. Gleichsam kann die schnelle Fuck-Off-Nummer “Just Fucking Die” kann, wie auch das eher punkige “Prison Tycoon“. Auch wenn GRIPE nach diesem Song nicht mehr so spannend sind, wie zum Beginn der Kassette, muss man der Band ihre Diversität zu Gute halten.
Im Frühjahr 2011 wurde “The Future Doesn’t Need You” als 10 Song starkes Demo veröffentlicht. Mittlerweile finden sich 8 der Lieder unter dem gleichen Banner auf der Bandcamp-Seite von GRIPE. Der Song “Officer Down” wird gesondert angeboten. Lediglich “Siege Bringer” steht weder zum Download, noch Anhören bereit, sondern ist scheinbar ein exklusiver Teil des Tapes.
Mit schwarz-weiß kopiertem und handnummeriertem Falteinleger, präsentiert sich “The Future Doesn’t Need You” in bester oldschool Punk-Attitüde. Auch, dass die weiße Kassette nur auf der A-Seite nur zur Hälfte bespielt ist, werte ich an dieser Stelle dem DIY-Charakter dieser Veröffentlichung geschuldet. Ansonsten würde mich das ewige Spulen schon etwas nerven, haha! Die Kassette für wirklich schmale €1,50, also zum Punk-freundlichen Preis im Bigcartell-Shop von Visceral Circuitry Records. Crust-Freak und Grinder, greift zu und lasst euch von dem hektischen, chaotischen und stellenweise ziemlich nihilistischen Bombardement in den Schlaf wiegen!


More infos:
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Dimanche 01 Avr 2012, 09:13    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Cassette bientôt à 100 exemplaires en circulation

D'autres chroniques suivront
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Jeudi 26 Avr 2012, 20:02    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Echanges possibles contre d'autres démos grind!

NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Samedi 04 Aoû 2012, 08:47    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


La tape de GRIPE continue de circuler,
et voici plusieurs chroniques:

BRAINDEAD Webzine (Fra)
Let's get straight to the point, this Athens/Georgia based band is playing power violence infused grindcore and they're damn good at what they do. Riffs that hook you right in with a fat, crunchy kind of sound, I find the production to be really top notch in a rugged but heavy sort of way. Vocalist is screaming at the top of his lungs here and spilling some serious rage, I can almost picture this guy's temporal vein throbbing from stress. Swift and fast drumming, predominantly blasting at exhilarating speeds but often switching tempos or sceeching to slower but still raging hardcore style crushing slow parts that seem like the band's charging up on anger until the next surge of assaultive blastbeats... As for influences Infest seems to be it for the power-violence side of things as well more modern grind like Wormrot, maybe Magrudergrind... I would say these guys could be up there with these names. Good, concise song-writing that consistently hits the spot in a seriously violent fashion.
"The future doesn't need you" is Gripe's first demo that came out last year on which they're only a 3-piece. It's available on tape from and downloadable for free The band's added a bass player to their line-up (something which seems to get rarer and rarer these) for their second demo "Pig Servant" which is equally good, and maybe slightly sharper sounding... (although I think I dig the brutish guitars sound a little better on this first demo, as well as the snappier drums) They've also got a short split with Chulo (pretty
amazing columbian grindcore) out on floppy disc (what the fuck?) If you're at the end of your rope, totally desperate and pissed off at everything, this one band should be ideal to vent off some of your frustrations!

Ah, los placeres simples de la vida. Diez temas en poco más de doce minutos, un arte de tapa en blanco y negro, un baterista nervioso, una guitarra mugrienta, un vocalista que grita hasta sentir la sangre en la garganta y el sello de calidad de Grindcore Karaoke detrás de este debut de Gripe. ¿Se imaginan por dónde vienen los tiros? Sin ser una oda a la originalidad ni reinventar la rueda, estos oriundos de Athens, Georgia (hogar de R.E.M.), se las arreglan para presentar una interesante cruza de Grindcore, Powerviolence, Hardcore y Crust que toma los elementos más rabiosos y primitivos de dichos estilos y los funde en vertiginosas bolas de puro odio sin adulterar. Resuenan ciertos ecos del glorioso “Scum” pero también las estructuras caóticas y los ocasionales rebajes del Poderviolencia más cavernario (Infest, No Comment), un nada despreciable saborcito al Hardcore acelerado y salvaje de clásicos bostonianos como Siege o Deep Wound, la típica suciedad y las visiones apocalípticas del viejo Crust británico y hasta algunos riffs disonantes que no desentonarían en propuestas extremas más actuales. Todo envuelto en un sonido crudo, áspero pero con la suficiente claridad como para no perder energía, y expresado con una potencia imparable, una sensación constante de histeria descontrolada que hace hervir la sangre y castiga la mente con pinturas de un futuro negro, violento y opresivo. En fin, material extremo, que rescata glorias del pasado y las pone al día con una naturalidad y una intensidad que barren con la mera idea de revival. Amantes de la velocidad, la roña, la agresión, el frenetismo y los futuros distópicos, a por esta belleza.

Un demo equilibrato tra l'hardcore più duro e furioso, il grindcore e il powerviolence; equilibrio che porta a confezionare un disco di una portata d'attacco e aggressività veramente notevole. Velocità e spazi da mosh ignorante e cazzuto, alternati sotto una linea di vocale che cambia dal growl (poco usato in realtà) allo scream, con l'unico obbiettivo di martellare in maniera sempre più micidiale e letale per le orecchie dell'ascoltatore. Negative Approach, Spazz e Napalm Death, in un mix impietoso e che piacerà ai cultori della musica più devastante, rumore e violenza.
Voto: 7,5

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NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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