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Inscrit le: 26 Nov 2011
Messages: 1

MessagePosté le: Samedi 26 Nov 2011, 16:06    Sujet du message: LARDON SPECIAL BARBECUE + NEWS SITE Répondre en citant

Salut à Tous !

Ils sont même complètement cramés et vous attendent dans leur barquette "SPECIAL BARBECUE",
prêts à être dégustés pour tous les amoureux de viandes avariées !

Rendez vous sur le tout NOUVEAU SITE specialement retouché pour l'évenement !


et pour vous donner l'eau à la bouche, voici une petite chronique du Webzine All You Need Is ... GORE !!!

"I remember this band released a nice split stuff, four years ago, shared with GLEARGH and RISING TERROR, and since this record I did not heard about them! But that's good to see they're still around, especially when they put out a so nice record, coming with 15 tracks for 20 minutes of sweet and brutal Grind Core! The band sounds a bit different, in comparison with the split I was talking about, as the Goregrind side of the songs disappeared for a more Crust Grind musick in the ROTTEN SOUND style, sometimes a bit in the NAPALM DEATH style, a bit of CRIPPLE BASTARDS, a bit of DIORRHEA, played and recorded with a very good sound quality! A lot of funny intros between the tracks (all in French, maybe you won't understand them! Too bad because some are really funny!) give a nice mood to the whole record, and actually, only the last “electro-breakcore-blablabla" song can be forgotten. For the rest, just get it as soon as possible if you're looking for nice and massive Grind Core right in your face! I know some people don't care about stuffs available on PRO CDR, but we got a very professional stuff here! I mean about musick, but about layout too, and for only 5 euros? what do you want more? a free kiss? just get in touch with the band or the label..."

source :

Bonne regurgitation à tous !!
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