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Chris Barnes rejoint TORTURE KILLER (Finlande)!!!

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Inscrit le: 26 Avr 2005
Messages: 244
Localisation: Dunkerque/ Hasselt

MessagePosté le: Mercredi 23 Nov 2005, 11:36    Sujet du message: Chris Barnes rejoint TORTURE KILLER (Finlande)!!! Répondre en citant

SIX FEET UNDER Frontman CHRIS BARNES Joins Finland's TORTURE KILLER - Nov. 20, 2005

Finnish death metallers TORTURE KILLER have announced the addition of SIX FEET UNDER/ex-CANNIBAL CORPSE vocalist Chris Barnes to the group's ranks. In a statement posted on their page, the band write, "Well, we never would've expected where we would stand with this band in 2005 when we first started playing together under the name of TORTURE KILLER. A lot of the interviews we did to promote the debut album, 'For Maggots to Devour', asked if we knew what the SIX FEET UNDER guys, and especially Chris Barnes, thought about us. After all, the link between us and his work with SIX FEET UNDER is more than obvious. Truthfully, we kinda wondered that ourselves as well. Well, now we know.

"Chris contacted us last October (2004) with a very supportive and friendly note. The name TORTURE KILLER caught his attention and was intrigued enough to check us out — finding us in the difficult situation we were at with the lineup. Now, we are proud to announce him as the new TORTURE KILLER vocalist and that he will be handling the vocals on 'Swarm!' — the renamed second album."

Chris Barnes had the following to say about his addition to the TORTURE KILLER ranks:

"I'm very happy to announce that I have joined the band TORTURE KILLER full-time. These guys are some of the best musicians I have ever been involved with, and I am 100 percent intent on using all my resources and eneregy to help propel this band to the top of the death metal food chain. I am extremely pleased with the songs we've put together for the CD 'Swarm!', and I can't wait to get out on tour with the band and kill every one of you sick fuckers!!! See you soon."

TORTURE KILLER have also announced that they have signed a deal with Metal Blade Records.

The basic tracks for "Swarm!" were recorded back in January 2005. Chris did his vocals at The Hit Factory in Florida in May/June with Chris Carroll and the CD was mixed and mastered by Chris and Erik Rutan in October. Artwork was handled by Wes Benscoter (MORTICIAN, SINISTER, VEHEMENCE).

According to the band's statement, TORTURE KILLER "will continue to use the help" of Sallinen (FUNERAL FEAST) in Finland, since he "absolutely butchered with his vocals" on the group's recent split 7" with SOTAJUMALA.
Metal: those who don't cannot understand.
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Will - Noiseweb
Noise Maniac

Inscrit le: 16 Oct 2004
Messages: 8229
Localisation: Tournus (71) / Lille (59)

MessagePosté le: Mercredi 23 Nov 2005, 15:42    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ce qui ne veut pas dire évidemment qu'il quitte SIX FEET UNDER...
NOISEWEB 'zine -

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