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MORNINGSTAR RECORDS - New Norwegian label started!

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Morningstar Records
Nouveau Membre

Inscrit le: 05 Jan 2006
Messages: 4
Localisation: Norway

MessagePosté le: Dimanche 15 Jan 2006, 20:43    Sujet du message: MORNINGSTAR RECORDS - New Norwegian label started! Répondre en citant

Members from bands like Keep of Kalessin, Satyricon(live), Necrophagia, Chton, Manes and Max Midsun join forces to form Morningstar Records!
The labels first release will be BLOODTHORN`s long awaited new album entitled "GENOCIDE"!!!
Check out: to get more info on the label and Bloodthorn.
Demos and street teamers wanted!
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Will - Noiseweb
Noise Maniac

Inscrit le: 16 Oct 2004
Messages: 8229
Localisation: Tournus (71) / Lille (59)

MessagePosté le: Mercredi 18 Jan 2006, 14:57    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

BLOODTHORN: "GENOCIDE" European releasedate set + cover revealed

EUROPEAN RELEASEDATE: 13th February UK & Norway - 20th February rest of Europe

A videoteaser, including bites edited from many of the songs from
Norwegian death metal band BLOODTHORN's upcoming album "GENOCIDE", has been posted at this location:

The teaser can also be viewed in an online player at the official
Bloodthorn Myspace-profile here:

The finished cover-artwork has also been posted and can be viewed at this

Morningstar Records (MR05001 / PHD: 803341226128)


- ...For Those Whose Time Has Come (intro)
- Blood and Iron
- Invoking the Apocalypse
- Nightmare of Violence
- They Will Arise
- Forced Selfmutilation
- Sacrifical Slaughter
- Hell on the Eastern Front
- Monolith of the Dead

"Genocide" was recorded in Godt Selskap Studio (Chton, Griffin, Keep of
Kalessin) with Knut Fug Prytz (Necrophagia) producing, giving the album
the heavy, thundering production the band sought after. This will be the
4th BLOODTHORN album marking their 10th year since their first release and it will be the first BLOODTHORN album featuring guitarist Ihizahg (ex
Perished, Wurdulak and live guitarist for Mayhem). He’s been working with
the band for several years now and wrote a good deal of the material on
the new album which will be the heaviest and most extreme Bloodthorn album to this day. BLOODTHORN is confirmed for the WACKEN OPEN AIR Festival 2006 (alongside other confirmed bands like Cannibal Corpse, Celtic Frost and Emperor), and will start a row of gigs with the releaseparty for "Genocide" February 17th at BLÆST in their hometown Trondheim. Support:
Goat the Head.
The releaseparty will be streamed live online in its entirety. More
streaming details tba.

"GENOCIDE" is released by RED STREAM INC. worldwide, except Europe:

Morningstar Records is a brand new label started by members of SATYRICON live, NECROPHAGIA, KEEP OF KALESSIN, CHTON, MANES and MAX MIDSUN, and will reveal more upcoming releases and events in the time to come. Coming soon:
NOISEWEB 'zine -

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