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AMETHYSTE: Interview pour le fanzine PANZERFAUST

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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Mercredi 18 Jan 2006, 13:39    Sujet du message: AMETHYSTE: Interview pour le fanzine PANZERFAUST Répondre en citant

1. Hell-ooo mate, how are you these days? Hope you’re in good mood to answer some of my questions?! I guess AMETHYSTE is rather unknown band in Poland and in abroad probably as well (I’ve never seen any interviews with AMETHYSTE not only in Polish, but also in other countries fanzines, to be honest). So, forgive me, if in some questions we’ll go into far past...

Hailz to tee Marcin !!! first of all, thank a lot for your interest to AMETHYSTE, we’ are fine, and happy to share some part of AMETHYSTE with you !!

2. You know what? When I had a first chance to listen to AMETHYSTE – and that was when Gabriel S. from NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST (hail!!!) sent me 4 way split MC “Obscure Infinity” – I was thinking how the hell such great band is completely unknown… You know, these three tracks strike with unbelievable strength, with massive guitars, bone breaking drums and furious but memorable riffs. How were the promotions of that and the previous band’s demos going? Did you reach any maniacs and get many reviews throughout the years?

Thanks for your support ! so about the split cd , Gab from Nihilistic send 1500 tapes and 1500 Mcd copy all around the world of this 4 way demo since 2003, this guy is just fucking crazy !!
( hailz gab !!), as well, we have a lot of reviews from good to less to, so that was a good idea of Gab to make know Amethyste to metal listeners !

3. The band was formed already in 1993. Do you remember with which aims did you form the band? What did push you to do it? And what does stand behind band’s moniker? Does it have any special meaning, something what’s representative for your musical style? What kind of image would you like it to rise in the minds of metal fanatics?

Pat and me are fan of metal and music more generally speaking for a long time, we have always wanted to form a Metal band, so in early 90’s we decided to make like our favourites band of the moment like Slayer, Carcass, Morbid angel, coroner….We bought our first BC Rich guitars & Marshall Amps he he!! and decided to create Amethyste. In fact, the main Goal was to play music in Metal context, and try to write our own music, so we have always been attracted by musical side of this kind of music than the image. So we don’t really want to rise any kind of image than feeling, but our style is actually more brutal, atmospheric and massive than past, so when you listen to us, you can have the sensation of wall is moving , moving, moving…ha ha !!! Wall is moving Nothing can’t stop it !

4. It’s obvious that we have to go through all early AMETHYSTE’s recordings. I guess there are not many fans, who heard and know them, so… Give us brief details about such demos as “Live In Anguish”, “Blossom of Life”, “High Radiation” and “Visceral Manifestation of Hate”? Are they still available somewhere, maybe you have some plans for re-releasing them in limited CD edition or something?

“Live in anguish” is our first 8 tracks demo released in 1995, recorded in one day in live condition, this one was reviewed in first Mettalian mag, and sound like almost Thrash Melodic Death metal . “Blossom of life “ our second 5 way demo released in 1996, was more Death, that was our first studio experience ! one track from this demo appears in “High Radiation compilation ” in fall 96.Next essay was “Visceral Manifestation of Hate” 4 way demo, recorded in 2001 but not released.
So actually we don’t have any plans for re-releasing them , but they are still available for who want listen to them, just write us. Anyway we probably join in our future album (In extra cd ) some track pick from this demos that we get rerecorded. it will shown an other face of amethyste! He he.

5. I guess the musical style always has been death metal. But do you see your death metal changing, developing through the years? When comparing first and last demo recordings, would it be possible to notice it’s done by one and same band?

Yes it’s true that if we listen to our first demo we can easily believe that it’s not the same band than actually, But from the debut we have decided to play Death Metal, but our style is actually more brutal and atmospheric than past, now we have found the just compromise between brutality and musicality, musicality is very important to our eyes.

6. “World of Perversetemptation” is simply brilliant demo. All three songs’ structures, arrangements, riffs are killer and very impressive, so I wonder how long did you work on that particular demo and did you have more songs ready, but choose just these three to complete such a short, but very, very good demo? What, do you think, are the main characteristics of your musical style?

In fact, since 2001 with our new line up, our style evolve to Brutal Death Metal, so in 2003 we didn’t have any support cd, tapes.. of our new stuff, we decided to put on side the old stuff and keep the more brutal and representative tracks, So we decide to record just 4 track in studio Z factory in Paris during 3 days in April 2003( NB: this demo don’t have even any bass line !!! ).The main characteristics of our musical style actually, is Brutality, atmosphere and massive ambience.

7. On “Thrown off Balance” you re-recorded all songs from the “World of Perversetemptation” demo. Do you think they’re the strongest tracks ever composed by AMETHYSTE or there was also another reason for it? Honestly, I have to admit that they actually are my favourite tracks of yours, even if maybe I preferred them in their demo versions (great, rawer sound). Are there any other old re-recorded demo tracks on the album or maybe all the rest is freshly composed? And do you plan to re-record some other old tracks in the future?

In fact only “I AM” and “Control the masses” are new stuffs, “Moderns times syndromes” and “self perception” are older composition, in fact we decided to re-recorded all songs from the “World of Perversetemptation” demo, because there was no bass line on demo version , and drums part are actually better than the demo version, but also there are very massive tracks, and must figured on our album He he !!
So, as I say in other question , we normally re-recorded old track on extra cd for the future Album.
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:


Dernière édition par Lord_Gayball_Gayblow le Vendredi 12 Fév 2010, 14:21; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Mercredi 18 Jan 2006, 13:40    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

8. What did keep you so long to release debut full length (after 12 years of band’s existence!)? What’s more, “Thrown off Balance” is self released CD, so how did it happen there weren’t any labels interested in AMETHYSTE? Seeing some completely unworthy, untalented bands recording / releasing their albums every week, it’s understandable how could all labels have missed such cool act like AMETHYSTE?!!! Are they fuckin’ deaf or what? Or maybe you didn’t try enough?!

Yes it’s true that we keep a long time to release debut full length album, but there are some explanations, firstly the line up, we get some problems with the line up who have change many times, we have tried different configurations, also we always thunk that we were not to mature and not to good too; Even if some of our friends said that we could released stuff by the past… but anyway, now since 4 years we found the good equilibrium ! also I think that form a band is a long way…anyway we are acknowledge with all musicians who get a part in Amethyste!
So about the “ thrown off balance “ released. The album will finally be release by
“ Thundering Records” in November 2005, after we get some problems with an other Label. Now album will be available very soon, and will include an extra clip video !

9. What is the meaning of the front cover / booklet layout? It looks rather differently from most of death metal graphics, in my opinion, but since there are no lyrics, it’s hard to get the band’s point what is it all about… So, tell me something more about it, as well as give us the picture of what do the lyrics deal with. Is it kind of concept album? Who’s Vincent Feutry – author of some of the lyrics?

Nature is very important to us, by the past we have already raised the ecologic problems by a very significant tracks who is called “Artificial gangrene” and lyrics was written by our old bass guitarist : Vincent Feutry
On this album we wanted a strong image of what we think about mankind, we wanted to raise the “Thrown off Balance” I mean the earth who are infected by human , in fact lyrics raised questions about human behaviours, ecologic disorder is one of the theme of the album, by the past ‘Vincent’ took a part to a lyric, and I just kept some lyrics that he have written, Vincent left the band in fall 2001, and since I write the lyrics,
So, on the album there are no really concept, but man behaviour come back frequently.

10. Personally, what were your first impressions after you listened to “Thrown off Balance” for the first time? Were you proud, happy or maybe unsatisfied? And have your feelings changed after few months? Nowadays do you notice some things, which should have been done differently? How do you estimate the songs – are they well composed?

To be honest we were very satisfied, and we are always been, if we could change something is the drums sound that we have triggered and sound little bit to plastic, but we had no choice when have recorded, we tried to make the maximum with the minimum elements of recording.
So about the composition, we are also satisfied by each tracks of “thrown off balance”

11. Even if I liked the entire album a lot, there’s one thing I want to ask you about… I mean the production… I know that nowadays it’s standard to have such plastic, unnatural drums’ sound, but is it really necessary?! In my opinion they sound badly, not aggressive and powerful... I prefer the natural sound of that instrument, not this modern one… So, honestly I think that weak (too modern) drums’ sound has taken a lot of power and strength from the album. How do you estimate that thing? Are you satisfied with it and do you think it’s all right?

Yes I agree with you, the sound is little to plastic, but As I said in previous question, we made the maximum with the minimum, we don’t have recording studio, we made album from A to Z, recorded, mix, masterised…with only one machine, cause of the limitation of the machine we couldn’t had recorded as we expects, for the next album we surely will go to a Professional studio, but anyway the final result is over that we can expect from a self produce album ,he he !!!

12. And what is this “Instrumental” track about? Hell, it’s so obviously inspired by the atmosphere of similar tracks from NILE that I wonder didn’t you afraid that people will start accusing you for copying the Americans? What idea does stand behind this track?

You known what! in fact this instrumental is inspired by scene of “ Lords of the Ring Trilogy”, we wanted to name the song “march of the Urukai” , this is a sort of hymn before the battle, this hymn just prepare the next song on the album who is call “I AM”.

13. To tell something about the “Infinity Obscure” split MC… What do you think about such releases, the whole idea which is behind them – to present the joined forces of two, three or more metal underground acts, etc? Would you wish to appear on some another split recordings in the future?

In fact this is a good idea to make out the light on 3 or 4 bands , it is a good format who can be easily reviewed, also we can hear 2 or 3 tracks of each band contrary to compilation of 15 band. So We have the chance to have guys like Gab who are fan of metal & involved through it, at the origin of such project ! but now about next appearances on future split, we are contractually match with our label, not appearance without her authorization.

14. How were your beginnings with metal music? With which bands did you start? When did you fall in love in death metal? What were your most favourite acts – maybe DEATH, PESTILENCE, ASPHYX, GORGUTS or rather more brutal school of playing like CANNIBAL CORPSE, SUFFOCATION, AUTOPSY, DEICIDE?

We fall into hard Rock in early 80 with AC/DC album ( highways to hell, power age…), Iron Maiden, Trust (French hard Rock band), Judas Priest…so we get to listen to first speed Thrash Metal with “kill’em all” Mettalica , Destructor, Agent steel, Mutilator… so we get little by little attracted by the Ultimate THRASH of Slayer and also by the Sarcofago& Sepultura Brazilian Death, and other more extreme like Possessed ( Pat is the lucky guy to get in backstage with them in 1986 !!!! I was to young to go to the concert…), Voivoid, Sodom… and also many many other in other style Death angel, Sod, Anthrax, Suicidal Tendencies, Dark Angel, Coroner, Accept, king diamond….
So we really fall in Death Metal with first Death album “Scream Bloody Gore” and Morbid Angel “ Altars of Madness”, we also like Death doom metal with first Paradise lost, also later Anathema and my Dying Bride, also more melodic Death like Solitude Aeturnus
There are so many Death band that we like who influence us that we can not all mention them ! Carcass, Entombed…………..etc

15. I noticed that recently it’s very popular to make re-issues of demo recordings from old, long time known bands. Some of them are putted as bonuses to newest full lengths or re-issues (like it’s with GRAVE, PESTILENCE, CARNAGE, GOREFEST, UNLEASHED and many more!), other are actually released on separate CDs – like NIHILIST, DISMEMBER… What do you think about it? How do you see it? Do you like to listen to such demo recordings? Which old cult demos are your really favourite ones?

True original demo are always been more interesting than the re-issued !! he he, but why not! for who want to discover them between her past stuff, I Don’t see any problem on that. Sometimes I also like to listen to old demo, but it’s quite rare, and tapes format becomes progressively unlistenable …
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Mercredi 18 Jan 2006, 13:42    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

16. That 6-strings bass of Xav looks really impressive and I have to admit that AMETHYSTE’s music is really well played. Are all of you maniacs of your instruments, musicians who play few hours per day, who almost sleep with instruments, etc? For how long does each of you play? Speaking of the most influential legendary musicians (not only death metal ones) which ones would each of you mention as his biggest inspiration / favourite instrumentalist?

Pat and Me plays guitar since almost 15 years , Mat and Xav since almost 10 years.
Pat and me had to play a couple of hours per day when we had to started, but less now , we really fall in love in love for guitar ! we love a lot of legendary guitarist like, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Georges Lynch, Jason Becker, Marty Friedman , Angus young, Jimmy Hendrix……etc…

17. I’m curious do you – as a fan of metal music – pay a big attention to the technical abilities and skills of the band you want to listen to? Are you able to stand very simple, primitive playing, with mistakes on drums (vide DARKTHRONE, ancient DESTRUCTION, etc), etc or you’re rather disgusted by it, prefer to listen to such technical playing like CRYTOPSY, NILE, BEHEMOTH, HATE ETERNAL, DEATH etc?

Not really, we are open to all kind of metal, it is a question of context, we are not really focused on technique, but mostly on the atmosphere.

18. And what are your reflections about the condition of metal music nowadays? Which present bands do you like most, what albums did you buy recently? I’m also curious what do you think about all that stupid talking like “this band plays true death or black, but other one is untrue, ble, ble…)? I mean a lot of people recently – many who’re playing in old school bands – says that everything around is wimp, even bands, which play extreme, technical death like KRISIUN, CRYTOPSY are considered by them as untrue, because they play too modern stuff, while they prefer old POSSESSED, DEATH’s demos, ASPHYX or fuckin’ NUNSLAUGHTER?!! Where is fuckin sense in it? Time is going forward, so it’s obvious that some things have to be different, even in the metal music; otherwise it’s all the same and boring and stagnation = death… It’s completely naive to imagine the nowadays scene / sound to be exactly like 20 years ago! You know, I love old school stuff, but it doesn’t mean I want everything to sound like it, simply because now we have 00’s, not 80’s! Your opinion?

Actually we love the Nile’s ‘Annihilation of the wicked’, and Hate Eternal’s “I monarch” too, also Immolation’s ‘harnessing ruin’ .
So I have no really opinion about this kind of debate, true or not true metal…in fact I said according to the French chemist Lavoisier establishment :
“ Rien ne se perd tout se transforme !” it is the same thing for the music!

19. So tell me, did you manage to see MORBID ANGEL on stage with David Vincent back in the line up?! If so, tell me how’s their form nowadays? What do you think about that marketing / commercial aspect of Vincent’s come back to MORBID’s line up? From one hand everyone wanted to see him back behind microphone, since his incredible voice is a trademark of that band, but from other hand I have strange feelings about it… You know, one day they’re saying it’s over, will never happen again, but suddenly it actually happens and money are collected... The same thing was with SLAYER and Lombardo, PRIEST and Halford, MAIDEN and Dickinson... Was is it all about (money only>???)?

I don’t know the reason why Halford, Lombardo, David Vincent… are back, but in the case of David Vincent, I just can say, that we saw them at the “splendid “at Lille this summer in France, that was a very very Great show, they played all Morbid Angel standard “Rapture, Dominate, Where the slime live, God of emptiness…”, you can say all you want about David backup, but on stage he is a front man! also we saw Morbid Angel many times with different line up on different tour since 93, and that was always Tremendous, even Tucker Vocals was excellent ! only regret was the departure of Eric Rutan ! for me the ultimate line up was with Tucker, Azagtoth, Sandoval and Rutan.

20. How are AMETHYSTE’s live performances? What could tell me about the concerts you played so far? Did you share the stage with French bands mostly or did you manage to play also with some abroad, well known names? I guess you dream about playing the European tour one day, am I right? With which bands would you like to play - with death metal acts mostly (like HATE ETERNAL, NILE, ABORTED, IMMOLATION or BLOOD RED THRONE) or you would have nothing against playing with black, heavy or metal core groups as well, in order to get a wider audience?

We try firstly to play set list as better as possible, also we try to communicate with the listener, I’ think that our show is massive, and atmospheric too. We had to play mostly with French band, we try to play beyond our country, so we opened in may with Gorefest in belgium, and Textures too. So we obviously expect playing the European tour one day, as many band from underground, we dream to play with our favourites bands, Hate Eternal, Nile Immolation, Morbid angel…

21. Tell me how it is to play in one band with your brother? Am I right that both of you are responsible for most of the composing? How well do you understand each other, cooperate, etc?

We create the band together in 93, and we are very closed, Pat make me discover Metal when I was very young, we listen almost to the same band, we understand each other easily, we had to compose since the creation of Amethyste , sometimes we compose together, but also we had to compose separately. So during repetitions we make listen to rest of the band, Mat and Xav put their Drum part and bass line on the song, and sometimes we decided to changes some parts. That not so complex anymore !!

22. And finally give me some brief details on AMETHYSTE’s activity in upcoming months, maybe you have some new fresh tracks composed, so you’ll tell me something about them? And I would like to thank you for this interview, it was a great pleasure to present AMETHYSTE in PANZERFAUST’ pages finally! Cheers!

We are actually working on new stuff, we expect records during 2006, the next album will be little different, more dark, slimmest, with background additional vocals from Xav, we are in good way to finished the composition in fall 2005!
Many thanks for your support !

See ya, blast !

NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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bass blast
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Inscrit le: 22 Mai 2005
Messages: 38

MessagePosté le: Jeudi 19 Jan 2006, 22:50    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Merci, gaboul!
Mini benton
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Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2005
Messages: 645

MessagePosté le: Mercredi 25 Jan 2006, 18:16    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Gaboul Maboule...

Si ça vous intéresse, je pourrais poster des chros du split ou vous apparaissez... Mais Greg les a déjà, et je ne sais pas si c'est très intéressant...
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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bass blast
Visiteur Courant

Inscrit le: 22 Mai 2005
Messages: 38

MessagePosté le: Mercredi 25 Jan 2006, 18:57    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

je lui en parlerai Cool
Mini benton
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