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BLOODTHORN live streaming + new MP3

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Morningstar Records
Nouveau Membre

Inscrit le: 05 Jan 2006
Messages: 4
Localisation: Norway

MessagePosté le: Samedi 11 Fév 2006, 23:15    Sujet du message: BLOODTHORN live streaming + new MP3 Répondre en citant

The brand new track "BLOOD AND IRON" from Bloodthorn`s forthcoming album "Genocide" is now available for download:

"Genocide" releaseparty friday 17.feb. Blæst, Trondheim.
This concert will be streamed live online as a multicamera production via courtesy of Legio Media.

Pre-concert interviews and more with hostess Patrizia Mazzuoccolo(Tinitus NRK P3). This will be a unique possibility to see Bloodthorn live! Hook up your PC to your TV, buy beer and prepare for Genocide! "Online tickets" will cost 7 euro. Time-schedule and more info will be revealed on and in due time.

Bloodthorn are confirmed for this years INFERNO FESTIVAL and WACKEN OPEN AIR.
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Inscrit le: 04 Fév 2005
Messages: 6938
Localisation: dunkerque

MessagePosté le: Samedi 11 Fév 2006, 23:24    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

j'ai "under the reign of terror" ou alex d'agressor jouait dessus si mes souvenir sont bon Rolling Eyes
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Morningstar Records
Nouveau Membre

Inscrit le: 05 Jan 2006
Messages: 4
Localisation: Norway

MessagePosté le: Vendredi 17 Fév 2006, 15:49    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Friday night 17.02.2006

Time schedule:

The live-streaming will start at 22:00 Norway CET (London: 21:00 / New York: 16:00)


GOAT THE HEAD onstage 22:30 CET

BLOODTHORN onstage 23:30 CET

In the changeover between the bands there will be live-interviews with both BLOODTHORN and GOAT tHE HEAD hosted by Patrizia Mazzuoccolo (Tinitus NRK P3). Before the gigs start at 22:30 CET there will be a special TRONDHEIM SCENE-REPORTAGE featuring chats with Trondheim bands like Thorns, Lumsk, Griffin, Manifest, Wåttamezz and others. There will also be a short studio-report from the Keep of Kalessin "Armada" recording at Godt Selskap Studio.

Hook up your computer to the TV, buy beer, invite friends and get ready for LIVE GENOCIDE!

Online tickets will cost 7 EURO / 50 NKR
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Will - Noiseweb
Noise Maniac

Inscrit le: 16 Oct 2004
Messages: 8229
Localisation: Tournus (71) / Lille (59)

MessagePosté le: Vendredi 17 Fév 2006, 17:25    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Yeahhh !

Un live en streaming de BLODDTHORN, bien cool ! A ne pas louper...

Thx for posting here, guys from Morning Star Rec. !!! Wink
NOISEWEB 'zine -

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