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Warkult prodz distro liste 02.2006

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Inscrit le: 10 Mai 2005
Messages: 2
Localisation: Oise - Picardie - France

MessagePosté le: Jeudi 02 Fév 2006, 13:12    Sujet du message: Warkult prodz distro liste 02.2006 Répondre en citant

CD’s :

ALLFATHER (Can) - Weapons Of Ascension—CD—12 € (Invictus Prods) Crushing relentless & brutal War Metal ! They stride forward like as conquerors in a world of ruin & waste ! Incredible !
ARYOS (Fr) “Maitre des Dominations cérébrales” CD – 10 € (DUKE Prods) Strange black art – Dark & twisted !
ATOMIZER (Aus) - The Only Weapon Of Choice—CD—12 € Fucking insane, fucking intense, fucking … ATOMIZING ! Fast, aggressive, brutal, raw excellent thrash/black ! A must have for all brutallers !
ATOMIZER (Aus) - The Death Of Forever—CD—12 € First album edition before it got re-released as “The End Of Forever” - The last copies … Devastation guaranteed !!!!
BLODULV (Swe) "Diatribe" MCD - 8 € (Forgotten Silence Prods) Excellent Grim & Raw Black Metal ! Feel the breath of the nordic Wrath !!!
CHARNEL VALLEY (Usa) – The Dark Archives” – CD – 10 € (Paragon Recs) Raw epic & imaginative black metal – unholy !!!! Somewhere between bands like Darkthrone, Von, Hate Forest, Summoning, Moonblood…
CRYFEMAL (Spa) - Perpetual Funebre Gloria—10 € (Oniric Recs) Brutal Black Metal— Raw & Excellent !!! Close to bands like Xasthur... Includes a video-clip.
DIABOLICAL BREED (Nor) "Compendium Infernus" CD 10 € (World Chaos Prods) Orchestral Dark Black Metal ! Great Album with great production !!!
GOSPEL OF THE HORNS (Aus) - A Call To Arms—Cd—12 € (Invictus Prods) Excellent thrashed black— soon to be cult ! Pure hate & blasphemy ! D’666 style—Evil !!!
IMPIETY (Sin) – Paramout Evil – CD – 10 € (Paragon Recs) The bestial war machine returns !!! Merciless full frontal assault !!!! An evil hymn !!!
KILL (Swe) - Horned Holocaust—CD—12 € (Invictus Prods) CD version of the Black Metal Kult ! Raw, brutal, dark with influences from DarkThrone, Von, Necrovore… A must have—total CULT !
KORIHOR (Phi) / ABIGAIL (Jap) “Alkoholic Metal Blasphemers” CD - 10 € (Hell Headbangers Recs) Raw primitive sick old-school chaotic thrash black ! Last copies.…
NACHTGEBLÜT (Arg) "Strange Ways to Ancient Times" CD – 10 € (Dark Hidden Prods) Grim and proud aristocratic black metal... Limited to 314 copies - hurry up !!
POGROM 1147 (Pol) "Black Metal Complete" DigiA5 CD - 10 € (Old Temple Recs) Excellent raw, fast, grim & sick Black Metal !!! A great release !
TERROR SQUAD (Jap) "The WIld Stream Of Eternal Sin" CD - 10 € (World Chaos Prods) Furious Thrash-Metal assault !!! Legendary Bay-Area Thrash Bands are sounding "gothic" compared to TERROR SQUAD !!!
WITCHING BLACK Vol.1 - Pro-comp CD - 8 € (Witching Black recs) w/Imperial Crystalline Entombment (USA), Throneum (POL), Black Winter (GRE),Nefarious Azarak (MAL), Woods Of Ypres (CAN), Atomizer (Aus), Mentation (NL), The Chasm (MEX/USA), BitchSplitter (CAN), Nordafrost (GER), Mortinatum (SPA), Gauntlet (CAN), Gaurithoth (FIN), Feral Horde (CAN), Perpetual Dusk (BRA)... Thrash & Black !!! Discover some really killer bands !

CDR’s :

ARKHON (Gre) “Tainted Dogma” 4 € Mid-paced dark & necro Black Metal—Original ! Pro-colored Cover !
BLOODCULT (Usa) “The Hellfire Curse” 4 € A strange blend of heavy & black metal—dark & unholy !!!
DEVILISH ERA (Fr)/OND AAND (Fr) - “Gathering For Infernal Onslaught” SPLIT 4 € Intense raw barbaric bm from two extreme french hordes !
EXSECRATUM (Ita)/IMAGO MORTIS (Ita) - “Brixheim” SPLIT 5 € Excellent fast misanthropic Black Metal from two great italian bands ! Comes with colored cover & good production !
FUNESTES AUGURES – Notre Tyrannie… 2 CD ! 5 € (Resistanzia Underground) Black Metal comp w/Unholy War, Stigma Diabolicum, Pagan Eternal, Unterwald, Ond Aand, Würm, Wolok, Nattvarg, Abteilung 500, Nordum, Haine Noire, Sons Of Feris, Z’B’T, Nihilistic Kaos, Krazumpath, Puanteur de Charnier, Zaghurim, Velka Mandu, Epheles, Wurzburg, Searing Skull, Glorior Belli, Reverence, Belzebul, Dark Field, The End 666, Aamazarak, Fjalar, Arson God, Eihwaz, Raatgaldr, Ewe.
SAMMOHAN (Fin) “ Saint Of Blasphemy” 4 € True fukkin’ Evil Speed Metal with early Black Sabbath/Mercyful Fate/Iron Maiden touches !
TWILIGHT IS MINE (Rus) "When The twilight Covers The World” 4 € (WitchCraft Prods) Atmo/misanthropic black ! Great debut ! For all into Emperor/Limbonic Art.—Great production & great potential ! A band to look for !!!!

7”Eps :

CHAINSAW (Hol) “Chainsaw Is The Law” 5 € Amazing speed-metal mayhem with the sound of the 80’s ! Really Kick Ass !!! Hell Yeah !
DODHEIMSGARD (Nor) “Mork Skog” - 6 € Rare Bootleg EP from this CULT band ! Limited to 300 !
EUROPE ALLIANCE - 4-way split - 5 € (Sabbath’s Fire) with UNTERWALD, VIKING BLOOD, MYRKVID, FUNERAL FOREST—Black Domination !!!
GOAT VENGEANCE (Bra) “We Bring The Goat Massacre On The Men’s World” 5 € (Necromancer Recs) Gatefold cover – Brazilian satanic black metal !!!!
LORD (Fra) “ Black Moon Preacher” – 5 € (Necromancer Recs) Impressive old-school raw thrash/black !!! A must have for all true underground maniacs !!! Surely one of the best BM bands from France !
MAGOG/FROSTKRIEG – Split – 5 € Amazing Black Metal ! Gatefold cover..
VENOM (Uk) “Newcastle assault” live 1985 – 8 € Total CULT !!!! Masters of all blasphemies VENOM recorded live ! 4 Songs !!! Limited Ed to 366 copies – good sound !!! Rare Boot ! Colored Cover !!!
WARAGE/EXCRUCIATE 666 (Fr/Fr) "Guerriers Nordistes" Split - 5 € (Sabbath’s Fire) Brand new release from two of the most impressive french extreme bands !!!

Cassettes :
All the tapes are “DIY” duplicated except when stated otherwise...

ALPTRAUM (Ger) “Eine Neue Nacht“ 3 € (D.G.W. Prods) Raw & primitve Black Metal.
BLACK BLEEDING “The Awakening” 3 € (Nihilistic Holocaust Prods) Amazing Black/Death/Thrash Metal ! For early MORDID ANGEL fans !!! Brutal & Dark !!!
BLACK HEARTS IN THE NORTH - Black Metal Compilation 3 € (La Légion Underground) Great Black Metal Compilation featuring Balaam, Eithel Sirion, Excruciate 666, Fera, Peurs Ancestrales, Fjällstrom, Nirnaeth, Dunkelnacht, Vucum Carne, Electronically Lost, Nürn and the mighty Lord !
CULTUS (Hol) “A Seat In Valhalla” 3 € (D.G.W. Prods) Pagan Black.
EXTINCTION AGENDA (Usa)/OPPRESSION (Swe) Split 3 € (Nihilistic Holocaust Prods) EXTINCTION AGENDA plays old-school US deathrash in the Demolition Hammer, Sindrome, Prime Evil & old-Malevolent Creation veins, OPPRESSION plays old-school thrash in the veins of Sadus, Dark Angel, early Nuclear Assault ! Released through NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST— Can’t be shitty !!!
HATEWORK (Ita) “The First Strikes Of Hate” 3 € Merciless Thrash Assault like a blend of old-Necrodeath, old-Testament, old-Destruction… Includes a Misfits cover of “All Hell Breaks loose” ! Comes w/pro-cover.
LADA OBSCURO (Bra) “O Inferno Por…” 3 € Raw primitive black in the Darkthrone/Burzum veins...
LYCANTHROPY’S SPELL (Bel) “Lycanthropic Hymns” 3 € Raw black metal à la “Transylvanian Hunger”
NIHILISTIC KAOS (Fr)/WAR BLASPHEMY (Por) - Split 4 € - War Productions 13 black metal anthems ! Pure blasphemy ! Pro-cassette. Lim. 300.
NORDUM (Fr) “Old Chapter” 3 € (DUKE Prods) Primitive thrashed black.
OSIRION (Fr)/VORKUTA (Hun) —Split 4 € - War Productions 10 tracks of devastating Black Metal from two killer hordes ! Pro-cassette. Lim. 300.
PESTIFERIUM (Por) - In Honour Of Evil & Ancient Pride - 4 € - War Productions 4 tracks from this unholy act ! Includes a BLODULV cover ! Pro-cassette. Lim. 300.
THE KRUSHERS (Ita) “Megaloi Theoi” 3 € Raw & blasphemous Thrash/Black Metal Mayhem !!! Pro-cover.
TRIBUTE TO OLD SCHOOL SPIRIT VOL.2—Compilation 3 € (La Horde Noire) Great release feat various UG bands (Blessed In Sin, Decayed, Unholy War, Ond Aand) covering “classics” such as Burzum, Primordial, Exodus, Slayer….

Port/postage :

France : Ajouter 2 € pour 1 article, puis 0.50 € pour chaque article supplémentaire.
Europe : 1 item - add 3 € and 1 € for each additional item.
Rest Of World : 1 item - add 4 € and 1.5 € for each additonal item.

Payments :

France : Chèque ou mandat-cash à l'ordre de Fabien PINNETEAU ou par Paypal à - PAS DE CASH !!!!!
Foreign countries : I.M.O.made out to Fabien PINNETEAU or via Paypal to - For Bank tranfer, ask for IBAN & BIC - NO CASH !!!!

Contact :

WarKult Productions
c/o Fabien PINNETEAU
15 rue Oclin
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